Register an Apple ID without a card from your computer. Features of registering an Apple ID without a credit card. What is an Apple ID and how to register it

Register an Apple ID without a card from your computer. Features of registering an Apple ID without a credit card. What is an Apple ID and how to register it

Did you buy your first iPhone, iPad or Mac? Then the first thing you need to do is create an Apple ID. I’ll tell you now how to do this and why it is needed.

I will create an Apple ID using the example of an iPhone 8 with iOS 12, and then a MacBook running macOS Mojave.

What is Apple ID and why is it needed?

So, Apple ID is a single account for all your Apple devices. It is advisable to create an Apple ID from the very first day of purchase, as this will open access to all the company’s online services.

With an Apple ID you can:

  • install applications from the App Store;
  • use iMessage and FaceTime communication services;
  • use Apple Music;
  • synchronize data;
  • download music and movies from the iTunes Store;
  • Find your iPhone, iPad or Mac if it's lost or stolen.

How to create an Apple ID on iPhone or iPad for free

At the final stages of registering an Apple ID, you will be asked to provide your bank card details. Not everyone has such a card, but registration cannot be completed without it.

To create an Apple ID without a card, you need to start registering by downloading any free application. You can do it like this:

  • Launch the App Store app on iPhone;
  • Go to the "Games" section from the bottom panel;
  • Find any free game. There is always a price next to paid games, and next to free games there is a “Download” button;
  • Click the button Download»;
  • In the authorization window that appears, click “Create Apple ID.”

Be sure to start creating your Apple ID by downloading the free app
  • Next, you will be asked to provide your email address and password. After registration, this email address will become your Apple ID;
  • In addition to email, fill out everything Apple wants from you;

Fill out all fields required by Apple
  • At the last step, you will be asked to enter a “Payment Method”. Here you need to select the treasured “No”. This is precisely the option that was not available during normal registration.
  • After this, all you have to do is confirm your phone number and email address.

Select “No” as the payment method. Then all you have to do is confirm your email and phone number

How to create an Apple ID using a computer

The principle of creating an Apple ID without a card via a computer is absolutely the same, only registration occurs through the “desktop” App Store.

  • Go to Finder, select a folder Applications and launch the App Store. Usually the App Store is also located in the Dock - the panel with icons at the bottom of the desktop;
  • Go to section Creation and choose any free application. Near such an application there is always a button “ Download", and then - "Create an Apple ID";

Start creating an Apple ID by downloading any free application
Once the Mac asks for your Apple ID, click on the “Create Apple ID” button
  • Fill all necessary fields. Your email address will be your Apple ID;
  • At the last step, you will see the “Payment Method” field. Select the item “No”;

Fill all necessary fields
Select “No” as the payment method
  • Next, all you have to do is confirm your email and phone number.

How to unlink your device from your Apple ID

If you decide to buy an iPhone or iPad second-hand, or received it as a gift from a loved one, then it doesn’t hurt to first unlink the phone from the Apple ID of the previous owner. Otherwise, he can easily access your messages, browser history photos, etc.

This will allow you to create your own personal Apple ID, which you can then link a card to and purchase apps, movies and music. The main thing is that the previous owner transfers to you all the data from his Apple ID.

To unlink your iPhone from Apple ID, go to Settings → Your name and click “Sign Out” at the very bottom of the page.

You can unlink your iPhone from your Apple ID in your account settings

Ready. If, on the contrary, you want to sell or give away your iPhone/iPad, then I also advise you to do all these steps, but do not forget to complete all the other steps necessary for.

Please note that once you unlink your device from your previous Apple ID, you will no longer be able to use all apps, music, and movies purchased using that Apple ID, as well as iCloud storage, iMessage, and FaceTime.

🌿 Remember

  1. An Apple ID is needed to fully use any Apple technology: phone, tablet, computer and Apple TV;
  2. To create an Apple ID without a credit card, you need to start registering by downloading a free app;
  3. after registering an Apple ID to protect it from thieves and scammers;
  4. which you received along with your Apple ID;
  5. As a bonus.

If you are the owner of Apple equipment, then you will definitely need an Apple ID. Creating one linked to a credit card probably won’t be a problem, but creating an Apple ID without a card is a little more difficult. First of all, Apple wants its customers to be solvent and able to purchase paid content, so when registering, it requires entering credit card information. As a result, registering an Apple ID without a card is impossible without knowing the covered loophole. In this article I will tell you in detail how to register such an Apple ID.

Step 1. The first thing we need to create an Apple ID without a card is iTunes. For example, I will use iTunes 11. Launch the program and go to the App Store section. Next, we need to make sure that we are registering an Apple ID for the Russian store. This is necessary so that in the future, if necessary, you can connect a credit card from a Russian bank. You can change the country at the very bottom of the window.

Step 2. Now we find any free application and click the “Free” button

Attention! This step is mandatory; if you skip it, you will not be able to create an Apple ID without a card.

Step 3. After which a window appears asking us to enter the login and password for the Apple ID, we do not pay attention to this and click on the “Create Apple ID” button.

Step 4. Next, a page opens in front of us on which we must confirm our desire to create an Apple ID by clicking on the “Continue” button. In the next window, we need to accept Apple’s terms and privacy policy by checking the appropriate box and clicking the “Accept” button.

Step 5. Having reached the window shown below, fill in the data. Don't be mistaken when entering your email, as your Apple ID registration information will be sent to it. For improved protection, be sure to specify a backup email; if your account is hacked, you will receive a message with instructions for data recovery.

Step 6. In the next window you will be asked to select a payment method, to which we mark “No”. You can specify any billing address; this does not affect anything. Click “Create Apple ID”.

At this stage, we complete the creation of the Apple ID, all that remains is to confirm your email specified during registration, and you can start using your account.

Congratulations on successful registration! Now you are a full-fledged user of Apple products!

If you have any difficulties, I suggest watching the video instructions for creating an Apple ID without a credit card, just go to this link .

Having difficulties? Write about it in the comments, and I will definitely try to help you solve the problem.

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It makes no difference what device you use. Be it an iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac, there is one account for them, unlocking a wide range of functions. Apple ID allows you to communicate for free via FaceTime and iMessage services, download media from iTunes, synchronize data on all devices using iCloud, install free and paid App Store applications. One question remains - how to create an apple id without a credit card, because registering in the app store without a credit card is unrealistic. There is an exit. Read more about this below.

How to create an Apple ID account without a credit card

The user will not be able to take advantage of many great features if this issue is put aside. Registering an iPhone without a credit card in many stores is possible for a certain amount of money. But this procedure has a drawback: sellers do not always tell the buyer the password. To avoid such a situation, you must know yourself how to register an iPhone if you don’t have a bank card. Let's figure out how to create a new account without a payment card.

Create an Apple ID account on iPhone, iPad or iPod

In order to take advantage of the many useful and enjoyable functions of your device, be sure to carefully read the instructions below. Let's look at a sequence that will help you understand how to create an apple id:

  1. Launch the AppStore application.
  2. Select “Top Charts” (to the right of “Categories”).
  3. Click on the “Free” tab. From the free applications displayed in front of you, choose the one that interests you.
  4. Click the “Download” button, then “Install”.
  5. The “Login” window will appear, select “Create an Apple ID”.
  6. Check the box “Russia” in the list of countries.
  7. Next, you will be asked to read the terms of service - we agree, we accept.
  8. We fill out the new account form: enter your E-mail and create a password, select a question and answer so that the system can use the entered data to identify you.
  9. Payment information. At the end of the list of bank cards, click “No” and fill out the form: last name, first name, address. The authenticity of the information is not required, the main thing is to enter the existing postal code. Click “Next”.
  10. You will be automatically sent an email asking you to confirm your email. Find it and click the “Confirm Now” link.

It's up to you whether to connect your bank account to your Apple ID. But there are situations when the card needs to be disabled. Such measures are needed so that, for example, your child does not take the balance into the red. You won't be able to buy paid apps, but there are many free ones. To disable the card, use your device:

  1. Enter the settings menu.
  2. Select "iTunes Store".
  3. Click "Apple ID: (your email)".
  4. A window will appear, click “View Apple ID”.
  5. Click on "Payment Information".
  6. In the "Payment Type" list, select "None".

Registering an iTunes Account

We have already figured out how to create an apple id without credit cards. The question arises, how to register in iTunes. You can do this using your pocket device or computer (laptop). If you're doing this on a PC, you'll need to download the iTunes app. Next, for any device we do everything according to the instructions:

  1. Click the “App Store” button.
  2. Select a free application and install it.
  3. “Sign in to the iTunes Store” appears. Click “Create Apple ID”.
  4. Check the confidentiality box and click Continue.
  5. Fill out the form about your Apple ID: password, email address.
  6. In the list of cards, click “No”, then click “Create Apple ID”.
  7. Confirm your email: go to your email, find the letter from Apple and click on the link inside it.

Upd: Article updated October 28, 2016. Current screenshots, current tips! :)

I have long wanted to describe this process, of course, it is described in many places, but I want to describe the Apple ID registration process and one very big pitfall that you may encounter. The thing is that Russian people are big fans of freebies, and Apple stores have a lot of paid programs and games. But there are also many free applications there.

But Apple forces you to register and indicate your bank card number so that money is debited from you if necessary. Yes - it’s convenient, but what to do if you don’t have a bank card at all or simply for some of your own (quite justified) reasons you don’t want to indicate it? There is a solution - instructions below.

Registering an Apple ID without a credit card

1. Go to iTunes. Click on the button in the upper left corner (by default, there is Music, but it could be something else).

In the drop-down menu, select Programs.

This will take you to the App Store (Apple's application store).

2. Attention! the most important and responsible step. If we want to register in the future without a card, then we do this. We find any free application. That is, where there is no price under the icon and click on it.

3. Now click on Free App and you will see a login/registration window.

Click on “Create a new Apple ID”.

4. The process has begun! :) click “Continue”.


  • e-mail – your email inbox(this will be your Apple ID in the future),
  • password (not for your email, but create a new and complex one for your account)

  • safety – you need to choose 3 question-answer combinations. You need to come up with the answers yourself and remember them. You may need it someday when recovering your password.

When you fill everything out, click the “Continue” button.

6. In the new window in the payment methods you should see the No button. If it is not there, then return to point 1 and do everything again carefully.

You can also choose VISA or MasterCard. Then iTunes will prompt you to enter the card number, expiration date and CVC code to pay for purchases. Payment via mobile phone is available exclusively to Beeline subscribers.

Next, please fill in the address information carefully below. Theoretically, you can come up with information - no one forbids you, but in the future, when recovering your password or some controversial issues, you may need it. If you come up with one, write it down somewhere.

If you register a German, American or some Japanese account in iTunes, then it is better to indicate the address here, something wrong, but real. For example, for an American account I simply found the address of a store on Google.

Then you should receive a confirmation by email. By following the link from the letter, we activate our account and can now easily log into iTunes. You see - it is not necessary to indicate the map at all. With this account we can download everything that is free in the App Store, iTunes Store or iBookStore.

Possible problems during registration:

1. I don't have a No button.

If you did everything correctly and especially did not skip point 2 from the instructions, and the button does not appear, check the settings of the country under which you are creating your account. Register either Russian or American accounts - verified. The iTunes version is also important. Read on the forums what the currently recommended version is (not to be confused with the latest and most recent). But I tested the latest version for the instructions and everything was OK.

2. My registration letter did not arrive in the mail.

In this case, try registering again for another email with another email service. There have been cases of letters arriving within a few hours. Also check your spam folder – the email may have ended up there by mistake.

3. The password does not work - I can’t find the password...

An example password is Tt123456, which is accepted during registration. Current password requirements:

  • at least one capital letter
  • at least one capital letter
  • numbers
  • there should not be more than 3 repetitions of one character
  • Password length must be at least 8 characters

4. What card is needed to link to Apple ID?

To download anything from iTunes, you first need to create an account, and they require you to provide a credit card number when you sign up. This makes it very difficult to use the program if the user simply does not have a credit card or the user simply wants to download only free applications. That's why many people have the problem of how to register in iTunes without a credit card. The article was written using the latest version of iTunes 12.0.1 as an example. To update the program, you need to download iTunes from our link and install it over the old version.

Attention: Follow all steps STRICTLY AND STAGEDLY according to the instructions indicated and you will be happy.

Detailed Guide:

  1. Launch iTunes and click on the button iTunes Store.
  2. Click on the “Music” section and select a section "App Store".
  3. Now click for any FREE application or game (without price), as indicated in the picture.
  4. Now click on the button "Download".
  5. In the window that appears, click on the button “Create an Apple ID”.

  6. Press "Continue".
  7. Check the box “I have read the data...” and click on the button "Accept".

  8. Now indicate information about Apple ID. Let's go through each point separately:
  9. Now in the “Payment Methods” section, click on the button "No".
  10. Here in the “Billing Address” section enter your details(can be fake) as shown in the example. In the city code section, indicate the telephone code of your city.
  11. After everything click on “Create an Apple ID”.
  12. Now go to your mail which was indicated. Open the email from Apple and click the button “Confirm Now”.

  13. You will be redirected to the Apple website, where in the “Apple ID” field enter Email address and indicate the one you came up with earlier password. After entering, click on “Confirm address”.

  14. If everything is entered correctly, a message will appear confirming your E-mail address. Now click on “Return to store”.

  15. Now in iTunes itself, click on the button “OK”, where a message about sending a confirmation email appeared.

All! Congratulations on signing up for iTunes! If you click on the account button (to the left of the search), you will see that you are logged into the program under your registered account.