Tricolor signal periodically disappears. Reasons for the lack of signal from the Tricolor satellite dish

Tricolor signal periodically disappears. Reasons for the lack of signal from the Tricolor satellite dish

Any satellite TV user periodically encounters interruptions in broadcasting. The presence of interference in the picture, freezing of the audio track - these are minor troubles that can be easily eliminated. But if the Tricolor receiver does not have a signal on all channels, this is already serious. Fortunately, you can deal with this problem yourself, without calling a technician. We'll tell you how to do this.

Assessing the scope of the problem

The first step is to make sure that there is really no broadcasting on all frequencies. If the signal is lost on only one of the channels, this may be due to technical work or problems on the satellite. If all channels are not shown, including the Info Channel, access to which, in theory, should always be maintained, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the antenna.

How to check the signal?

You can check whether the receiver is receiving a sufficient satellite signal using the remote control. Depending on its model, you need to press one of the buttons:

  • INFO;

In the first case, two info scales will immediately appear on the TV screen. In the last two, you will need to confirm the transition to the information section by additionally pressing the green key on the remote control.

Important! Both scales on the screen should be at least 80% full (and in the best case, more than 90%). If this is not the case, it is necessary to check the antenna and equipment located inside the house. Otherwise, adjustment actions will be needed with the receiver.

If the TV signal level is too low

In the case when the signal quality scales are filled to less than 80%, and Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, the reasons are most likely hardware in nature. The following factors need to be checked:

  • is there any physical damage to the cable or antenna;
  • Is the dish set up correctly?
  • whether weather conditions changed, whether obstacles appeared in front of the antenna.

First of all, we recommend checking all television equipment in the house. Perhaps the signal from the dish disappears on the way to the receiver. This situation can be caused by a cracked TV cable connector, a loose connector on the set-top box, a broken satellite splitter, etc.

Also, broadcast disruption can be caused by damage to the wire (this happens especially often in homes where there are small children or pets). All detected problems should be corrected, and then the broadcast quality should be re-checked.

Important! If there is more than one TV in the house, and the lack of broadcasting is observed on only one of them, there are problems with the connection or the receiver. The antenna works fine in this case.

Antenna retuning

If no deficiencies in the physical connection are found, the antenna should be reconfigured. To do this, it is better to enlist the help of someone from the household. One person will change the position of the plate, the other will monitor the change in level on the information scales on the TV screen.

Tip: you can use a special device for adjustment, which allows you to measure the signal level on the plate.

To adjust the plate, you need to carefully change its position, turning it about 10 degrees. After each turn, wait about 20 seconds, watching for changes in the scale indicators. They do this until the equipment shows at least 90% of the signal level.

Important! It is advisable to reconfigure in clear weather. Before starting work, the surface of the plate should be cleaned of dirt and debris that has fallen into it, and ice should be knocked off during the cold season.

If the signal is more than 80%

It happens that the receiver shows quite decent values ​​on both information scales. Why then did Tricolor television lose its signal on all channels? The reason most likely lies in a software failure on the set-top box.

If the information channel is working, the cause of the failure most likely lies in outdated channel list settings. The satellite operator regularly updates broadcast parameters in order to optimize the load on operating equipment. On set-top boxes, the settings remain the same. The channel search procedure will help you get out of the situation. You can launch it through the menu (section “Search for Tricolor channels”).

How to reset?

To reset the set-top box, you must perform the following operations:

  • go to the menu;
  • select the “Applications” section (on older models of set-top boxes it may be called “Settings”);
  • go to the “Factory…” subsection;
  • To confirm the operation, enter the PIN code of the set-top box, or simply press the OK button.

Important! If none of the equipment users set a PIN code on their own, enter the standard password - 0000.

Next, you need to wait until the console reboots. At the end of this process, all previously set operating parameters will return to the factory level, and a setup menu will appear on the screen. It will need to set the date, time, region of equipment location and other data. Tips on the TV screen or instructions from our website will help you figure out how to enter the settings.

When all the values ​​are set, the set-top box will begin automatically searching for operating frequencies. You should wait for this process to complete and then save the list that appears on the screen.

If there is no signal even after rolling back the operating parameters, we still recommend additional adjustment of the dish to the satellite.

At one point, having decided to relax and have a good time watching movies or programs, the user may be faced with the fact that there is no Tricolor television signal. To understand what to do to solve the problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common causes of this phenomenon and methods for carrying out initial diagnostics of devices. This will allow you to decide whether to fix the problem yourself or contact technical support specialists.

Frequent no signal problems

If satellite television from the operators Tricolor or Tricolor Siberia does not work, and the message “No signal” appears on the TV display, a number of factors may be to blame. Depending on whose side the problems occur, they can be external or internal, with the latter occurring on the user’s side, while the former are not related to him.

External factors

First of all, external factors include adverse weather conditions. If it is snowing, raining or strong winds blowing outside, the signal quality may deteriorate significantly. Here the user will not be able to do anything; he needs to wait for the weather to improve.

The next reason is preventative work. If there is no signal on all channels, you can call technical support and make sure that maintenance is being carried out today. The operator will also indicate the completion date.

Advice! Information about the time and timing of preventive maintenance can be obtained by logging into your personal account on the official website of the service provider.

Another external factor influencing the operation of satellite television is the emergence obstacles in the signal path. They can be grown tree branches. This situation is typical when the equipment has not been used for a long time, and trees may have grown or new buildings have been built along the path from the satellite to the dish, obstructing the signal. Such obstructions should be removed if possible, otherwise the plate will need to be re-weighed.

Advice! To check for obstacles, you should go outside at 13:00 and draw a visual line from the dish to the sun - it should not meet any obstacles, otherwise the passage of the signal will be significantly hampered.

Internal factors

Internal factors occur on the user side and are usually associated with the operation of television receivers and satellite equipment. These include:

  • incorrect choice of signal source on the TV;
  • damage or poor connection of the cable coming from the satellite dish to the receiver;
  • broken settings;
  • malfunction of the set-top box;
  • broken converter;
  • a deformed plate or a violation of its location.

In order to identify the reasons why the signal disappeared and the TV receiver does not show channels, you need to independently carry out diagnostics and determine the possibility of eliminating the malfunction on your own.

Independent primary diagnosis

If, when you turn on the TV receiver, it is discovered that there is no signal and the Tricolor has stopped working, you should first check all the above external factors: make sure that the weather is good outside, there are no obstacles in the signal path, and the service provider is not carrying out technical work.

Next we should move on to internal factors. First you need to check Is the correct input selected on the TV?. To do this, you need to look at which connector the cable coming from the receiver is connected to - the name is usually indicated next to it. Next, press the Input button on the remote control or on the body of the television receiver (or Source, depending on the brand of the television panel) and select this particular connector as the signal source.

Then you need to check Is power supplied to the set-top box?. Sometimes it happens that the plug is pulled out of the socket, but the indicator on the case is lit. You need to make sure that the device is connected to the network. And if checking the above reasons does not produce results, then you should begin diagnosing the level and quality of the signal.

To check the signal, the user needs to open the advanced functional banner. For different models of receivers - GS B211, GS 6302, GS 8306, GS 8307 and others - this action is performed differently. You need to press “INFO” (“F1”, “i” - depending on the receiver) on the remote control, and then press the green button, if necessary. An information banner window with two bars at the bottom should appear. If they are not filled by more than a quarter, this indicates that there is no strength and quality of the signal. In this case, the user needs to determine the reason why they are missing.

If both bands are two-thirds full (about 80%), but there are no channels, the device needs reset to factory settings. To do this, you need to open the menu, then settings, click “Factory settings” and confirm the action by clicking “Ok”.

Important! After resetting the receiver, you should re-select the service operator, region and start searching for TV channels. If after this the channel list is empty or is not reflected in full (partially), you will need to configure the equipment to receive a signal from the satellite.

Connection quality

Sometimes there is no signal due to damaged antenna cable or unreliable connections. It is necessary to visually inspect the wire and, having found a violation of integrity, cut it in this place, and then secure it using F-connectors and a connector. The top needs to be covered with electrical tape.

If the cable is externally intact, it needs to be tested with a tester to detect hidden damage. If an internal fault is detected, you will need to buy a new wire.

Advice! If the cable has been damaged more than once, it is recommended to replace it, since with a large number of connections the signal quality drops noticeably.

If everything is fine with the wire, you need to check all connections, plugs and connectors. Perhaps they are the problem.


If there is bad weather or the mounting is not secure, the location of the antenna may change. Equipment displacement or deformation is also possible during prolonged use. The user should check the strength of the dish fastenings and, if they become loose, re-adjust the antenna position by opening “Settings” in the receiver menu and monitoring the signal level on the TV receiver screen. Fine adjustments need to be made to the quality and intensity of the signal were at the level of 70-80%

. After completing the process, it is necessary to firmly and securely fix the antenna to avoid another displacement.

A receiver is a device that receives a signal from a dish, converts it into digital format and then transmits it to a television receiver. To check the serviceability of the device, you need to contact friends who have the same equipment, and connect it to a working antenna. If the equipment works, you need to look for another cause of the problem. If there is no image, you should contact the service to repair or replace the set-top box.

Converter on a plate

The converter is designed to receive a signal from the mirror, for which it is mounted on a plate. As a result exposure to the environment, the device breaks down over time.

Important! If all the reasons described above have been checked by the user and have not yielded results, the converter must be replaced, since normal inspection will not reveal the problem.

You will need to purchase a new similar device. Next, you need to carefully disconnect the old converter and attach a new one in its place, without changing the position of the plate. Then you need to turn on the television panel with the receiver and check the level and quality of the incoming signal. If these parameters are unsatisfactory, additional adjustments will be required by changing the horizontal and vertical position of the plate.

Advice! If you are not sure that the converter is faulty, it is better to call a representative of the Tricolor service center. After inspecting the equipment, he may suggest replacing the product; usually the technicians bring a spare converter with them.


A common reason for the lack of signal on Tricolor satellite dishes is bad weather. In case of rain, snow or strong wind, the signal disappears or becomes significantly weaker. In addition, heavy precipitation or sudden gusty air movements can move the antenna, bend it, or form an ice crust on its surface. All this also interferes with the normal functioning of satellite equipment. In such a situation it is necessary wait for weather conditions to improve, inspect the plate, return it to its original place and, if necessary, remove ice build-up. After this, the signal should be restored.


So, having identified the cause of the missing signal, the user can begin to correct the situation, if this can be done on their own.

When there is no signal

Almost all problems can be resolved independently. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities or don’t have the desire to do painstaking work, for example, setting up a dish for a satellite, you can always contact service and call a specialist who will diagnose the equipment and eliminate any problems that arise.

Important! You should also seek help from professionals if it turns out that the receiver is faulty. It is not recommended to repair the device yourself, as there is a possibility of causing even more damage to it.

If satellite equipment has not been used for a long period of time, a situation may arise when there is no access to viewing, and instead of TV channels “Error 0” is displayed. This means that the activation keys have been lost. To correct the error, you need to switch the working receiver to any paid channel (preferably “Kinoprokaz”) and leave it in this state for up to 8 hours. You can turn off the TV. Usually channels appear within two to three hours.

Advice! To speed up the activation process after a long period of equipment downtime, you can independently repeat the activation commands.

Sometimes, after resetting the receiver to factory settings and then trying to configure channels, when selecting a region, the message “The list of regions is not available” may appear. Typically, this message appears when the quality and intensity of the signal is insufficient and indicates that the antenna should be adjusted more carefully. Another reason for the error is that the cable coming from the antenna is damaged or the presence of dividers, twists, etc. In this case, it is recommended to replace the cable.

When the signal is insufficient or interrupted

If the signal from the satellite periodically disappears, this may indicate several factors. First, reception may be influenced weather conditions. In this case, you need to wait until the weather gets better. Secondly, if a signal appears and disappears regularly, this indicates about poor antenna tuning. It is necessary to launch an information banner and, focusing on the strength and quality of the signal, adjust the dish. Another reason for periodic failures in signal reception is branches or other obstacles in front of the plate. To view the video efficiently, you need to remove all obstacles or move the equipment to another place.

When some channels have a signal

If the receiver shows some channels, but instead of the rest it says: “No signal,” you need to disconnect the set-top box from the network, wait a few minutes, then return the plug to the socket. Next, you should turn on the device, wait for it to load and again select one of the channels that did not previously work.

Important! If rebooting the receiver does not resolve the problem, you need to update the list of TV channels through the receiver menu and save it. After the update, the user will see all channels according to his tariff.

To prevent the signal from being lost during rain, you can protect the converter by constructing a case from an ordinary plastic bottle. You should put it on very carefully so as not to touch or move the plate, otherwise you will have to adjust it again. But you should know that such a product helps in light rain or other minor precipitation; in the event of heavy rain, it will not help.

If the signal is often lost when weather conditions worsen, it will help to correct the situation replacing the plate with another one of larger diameter.

Advice! Before performing all these additional measures, you must very accurately align the antenna with the satellite. Otherwise the signal will continue to deteriorate.

So, if a user regularly loses the signal on Tricolor, he needs to diagnose the equipment and identify all the factors that interfere with the broadcast of television channels. Having discovered the causes, you should eliminate them on your own or seek help from specialists. And to reduce the likelihood of signal interruptions, useful tips were given above.

The most reliable TV receivers according to customers

TV LG 43UK6200 on Yandex Market

TV Sony KD-55XF9005 on Yandex Market

TV LG 49UK6200 on Yandex Market

TV Sony KD-65XF9005 on Yandex Market

TV LG OLED55C8 on Yandex Market

Tricolor subscribers are faced with a problematic situation when there is no connection to the satellite on the channels. If the Tricolor does not have a signal from the satellite dish, the reason may be different, but users immediately see the “no signal” screen message. The problem does not occur often, but you need to know what to do.

The reason for the complete lack of signal on TV is the inability of the antenna to catch the required waves. If you find a problem, you need to fix it yourself.

You need to make sure that there is no preventative work carried out by the company.

You can find out on the website by calling the hotline.

In the absence of prevention, the reason for the complete absence of an incoming signal is due to other breakdowns. It will be necessary to check the equipment installed in the residential premises. If a company has a breakdown or is carrying out maintenance work, you need to wait about 7-10 hours, and the broadcasting process will not be fully restored.

Tricolor TV no signal on all channels - what to do

If there is a complete absence of signal, you will need to try to identify the cause of the failure yourself, find out why Tricolor does not have a signal on all channels, what to do. Equipment items need to be checked:

  • Receiver operation;
  • General integrity of wires, presence or absence of cracks;
  • Converter operation;
  • Antenna installation and basic settings are correct.

After completing the manipulations, you can quickly fix the breakdown and continue to enjoy your favorite channels on TV. If you are unable to fix the breakdown yourself, you can get advice at any time through the contact center; customer service is always available to customers. They will tell you what to do if the TV does not work.

Actions to fix the problem

In the process of studying the condition of the equipment, when searching for a problem, it is worth carefully checking the overall integrity of the wires and cables and the tightness of their connections. If breaks are found, these areas will need to be replaced.

The condition of the cables should be monitored very carefully; they should not be twisted.

This has an impact on the overall image quality, and if not repaired, the channels will no longer receive signals.

If, when examining the condition of the equipment, problems with numerous wires are not detected, you need to carefully check the operation of the receiver. It is important to study the connection density of the antenna. It needs to be connected to the antenna.

If it works and at the same time there is no signal, the cause of the failure is a problem with the operation of the antenna.

When performing these manipulations in reverse, problems with the operation of the receiver are discovered.

If a problem is detected with the receiver, the tuner directly responsible for receiving the signal has failed. In this situation, it is better to invite service center employees to carry out repair work. If the specialists realize that the repair will not help, a replacement will be arranged. If, in the process of studying the condition of the equipment, it becomes clear that the problem lies in the antenna, you will have to fix it yourself. The Tricolor antenna goes astray for several reasons:

  1. Unfavorable weather – snow, rain and wind.
  2. The device is not secured firmly enough.

You can check all this yourself and correct the position of the antenna yourself. To significantly speed up the process of eliminating the problem, you can use the help of loved ones. They should be in touch and tell you whether the image is improving or not while the antenna is moving.

After finding the correct position of the device, you will need to secure it firmly by tightly tightening the bolts and numerous nuts.

If during the process of self-diagnosis no problems appear, we can suggest that the lack of a TV signal is due to a breakdown of the converter. This happens in more than 50% of crashes. A qualified technician can fix it.

The company's specialists advise having a spare converter on hand.

If it breaks down, if not a single channel works, you can replace it yourself.


In any case, the problem with the lack of signal is solved quite quickly. The most important thing is to take appropriate measures and carry out timely repair work. In addition, Tricolor employees are always ready to provide qualified assistance. Today, in 2019, service is at a high level.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without television broadcasting. No signal is a fairly common problem that most TV owners face sooner or later. There may be several reasons why this malfunction may occur. These primarily include:

  • problems with equipment;
  • preventive work;
  • external factors.

The most common reasons why there is no stable signal on your TV from this category are usually:

  • connecting cable defect;
  • malfunction of the satellite dish or antenna;
  • failure of the satellite converter.

A problem with connecting cable may be a completely obvious answer to the question of why there is no signal on the TV. If the antenna or satellite dish has a poor connection to the device due to cable damage, this situation is quite justified. Check the plugs and the wire itself for defects. By the way, the quality of the wire itself also affects the transmitted signal, so it’s not superfluous to know.

If you are using a satellite dish to receive a TV signal, you need to make sure that it is in correct position(We'll give advice on how to do this just below). If your satellite receiver is covered with a layer of dust, ice or dirt, it is not surprising that it does not work. In this case, you should carefully clean the surface.

Malfunction satellite converter is a fairly common reason why there is no satellite signal on the TV. The converter functions as a regulator that lowers the frequency of the signal from the satellite to reduce losses during signal transmission. To solve the problem, replace the faulty converter with a new one.

Important: if you are not sure that you know how to perform such manipulations with a satellite dish, entrust this task to an experienced technician. Otherwise, you risk causing irreparable damage to the device.

Preventative work

If your TV says “no signal” in extremely rare cases, your operator may be carrying out maintenance work to eliminate delays and other problems in broadcasting the TV signal.

  • The only way out of this situation is to wait until the preventative work comes to an end. It is quite simple to distinguish one reason for the lack of a signal from another:
  • take the remote control from the receiver;
  • enter the system menu;

check if there is a message “no signal” in the receiver menu. If the device starts writing about the absence of a signal in its system menu, then the problem lies in your operator's satellite

. In some cases, the set-top box may freeze (for cable TV subscribers). Try rebooting the device: disconnect from the network, and after 30 seconds turn it on again. Perhaps the problem will go away. The same steps can be done with.

In any case, it would be a good idea to contact your digital television provider to find out what to do in this situation.

External factors

How to set up a satellite dish yourself

  • To set up a satellite dish yourself, you need to:
  • go to the operator’s website and find an angle calculator;
  • enter satellite coordinates and find out your location;

aim the antenna at the satellite using the data obtained earlier. Determine your current location

possible using a regular smartphone. As a rule, their accuracy is sufficient to select the optimal direction of the plate.

Satellite television users often encounter a “no signal” error on Tricolor TV. The reasons for this message can be external, beyond the user's control, or internal. In the latter case, you will have to check the equipment used. We will tell you what to do if satellite television does not work, and we will consider in detail the current methods of restoring the broadcast.

Natural causes

  • Preventative work with a service representative. Dial the company's call center to obtain information regarding the start time and duration of work. The Tricolor “info channel” notifies with a creeping line the start time of prevention.
  • Bad weather conditions. The only solution is to wait for acceptable weather.
  • The appearance of an obstacle to the dish signal. Try to remove tree branches, bird nests, snowdrifts, and foreign objects yourself (with the help of specialists).

To find out why there is no signal on the TV, calling friends who use the services of an identical company will help. The absence of a problem for another user indicates the need to troubleshoot the equipment.

Internal reasons

The list of internal reasons for the “no signal” message at Tricolor is more extensive. These include hardware and software problems:

  • the equipment was configured incorrectly;
  • damage to connecting cables, partial loss of information;
  • receiver settings failure;
  • converter failure;
  • satellite dish malfunction.

Subscribers are able to fix most problems themselves at home.

No signal on all Tricolor channels

Subscribers are often interested in what to do when an unfortunate message appears. The first step is to check the integrity of the antenna. Under the influence of strong winds, snow, and hail, the plate is deformed and changes its angle of inclination. Check the reliability of the fastening, the correct position, carefully tighten the fastening units.
The standard menu will allow you to make settings. You need to find the “Signal Test” section. To do this, you will need 2 people: one adjusts the position of the antenna, the second analyzes the TV readings. It is recommended to carry out the shift in steps of a maximum of 1–2 centimeters, with pauses of 5–7 seconds. It is necessary to set the “Strength” and “Quality” scales to more than 80 percent. High-quality settings eliminate interference, freezing, and ripples in the image.

Checking connecting cables

If the “no signal” error from the satellite dish remains, perform a thorough inspection of the cable and F-connectors. It may be poorly connected to the equipment. A more serious situation is the detection of a break. You can call specialists to fix it or do everything yourself. To make the error disappear, restore the integrity of the connection using the following method:

  • Cut the wire at the break point;
  • clean the insulating layer with a utility knife/special nippers;
  • screw on the F-connector;
  • push the wire tightly onto the connector;
  • wrap with electrical tape.

Testing the receiver

This is the hardware part of the system, which looks like a small set-top box. The receiver performs signal reception/transmission functions. The receiver (in the absence of specialized skills) is checked in one way - connect it to another dish. The correct operation of all TV channels indicates the complete serviceability of the receiver. Repair of such equipment is carried out exclusively by service center specialists. Do not try to disassemble the device or look for the cause. You may be accused of intentionally damaging the receiver by refusing to provide free repairs or replacements.

Converter failure

The device is located on the dish, receiving satellite data. The converter is constantly exposed to adverse environmental influences. Temperature changes and external mechanical damage can damage the unit. After completing the previous steps, check the serviceability of the converter.
If the breakdown cannot be determined visually, you must take a new working device from the sales center and attach it to the plate. If after replacing the unit the no signal message disappears and all channels work, feel free to change the converter. If the plate is located above the 2nd floor, be sure to call specialists to dismantle the part.

Some channels don't work

Many users ask the question why there is no signal on Tricolor for some channels? The problem is software. To eliminate it, you need to update the list. The procedure is carried out directly in the TV menu. Use the instructions:

  1. Press the “Menu” button on the remote control.
  2. Select the menu section “Search for Tricolor TV channels”. Click OK to confirm.
  3. The screen will show a warning whether to search for TV channels. Click OK.
  4. When you have finished searching, click OK to save the resulting scan list.
  5. Restart the TV and receiver. Check channel availability.

The article discusses in detail the main reasons why Tricolor writes “no signal” and how to deal with problems. Always check the system components one by one, from the antenna/cables to the receiver and software settings. When all the steps taken do not give a positive result, contact the service center technicians. Specialists will promptly solve the problem.