The radiator cooling fan does not work or does not turn off: what to do. The computer fan does not work Why the cooler does not work

The radiator cooling fan does not work or does not turn off: what to do.  The computer fan does not work Why the cooler does not work
The radiator cooling fan does not work or does not turn off: what to do. The computer fan does not work Why the cooler does not work

The cooling system is one of the most important, but also vulnerable parts. It must work non-stop, maintaining the optimal temperature of all components. However, with prolonged use of the laptop, it may appear. The reason for this is simple contamination or wear of the mechanism.

If the laptop fan simply stops working or works intermittently, then urgent repairs are required. Why the cooler on a laptop does not work and what to do is what we will discuss in this article.

Functionality check

There are two ways you can check if the fan is broken. The first, with the help, is intended for beginners who have no experience working with special equipment. The second is technical; experience with a tester is required.

At first glance, it may seem that disassembling a laptop and removing its components is a very complex and time-consuming process. In fact, everything is extremely simple. Of course, there are exceptions for some models, but in these situations there is nothing to worry about. If necessary, you can find detailed instructions online for your laptop model.

Checking with a tester:

  • We unscrew the bolts, remove the latches and carefully remove the back cover of the laptop.
  • We unscrew the bolts that secure the cooler and fold them separately.
  • We disconnect it with extreme caution, without tugging or tearing it out.
  • We turn on the laptop and check whether voltage is supplied to the wires supplying the fan.

If there are no interruptions in the power supply, and the fan still does not turn on, then the problem lies with it, and you can begin work on “resuscitating” it.


If the cooler does not start, the first thing you should check is whether the rotor rotates under mechanical influence. Gently push it with your finger or any tool.

Doesn't spin? It's safe to say that the cooler is dirty and you need to clean and lubricate it. How to do it, .


A common reason why a fan does not work is that the blade is misaligned, as a result of which it begins to touch the top cover. This can be determined by the small scratches that remain after contact during operation.

Fixing this problem and repairing the cooler is quite simple. When installing the top cover, press it into the fixing groove so that the blade does not touch the side walls during operation. Also be sure to check the alignment by actively blowing air into the side hole. The blade should spin silently and unhindered.

If you did everything correctly, then after turning on the laptop, the excess noise will disappear and it will stop heating, which will be especially noticeable in games.

When replacement is required

If there are no problems with power supply and rotation of the rotor, but the fan still does not spin, then the cause of its malfunction is most likely in the armature winding. Simply recommended.

The only problem that may arise is the difficulty in finding and purchasing a similar device, especially regarding its dimensions. And you shouldn't buy an old part, because it often doesn't work well. It's better to consult a specialist. Today you can easily find this component for laptops of any company (Samsung, HP Pavilion, Asus, Acer, Lenovo or DNS).

More details in this video

No automotive system will work properly if the temperature is not optimal. This is especially true for the motor, which works very actively, which is why it gets very hot. To ensure that the unit does not overheat, its design includes a special cooling system, which is responsible for heat removal. The system contains a device called a radiator through which coolant moves.

Along with it, a fan is installed in the car, which circulates the air. Naturally, the fan may fail from time to time. What are the typical malfunctions of this fan? How to fix them? Let's figure it all out.

Frequent radiator fan malfunctions

If the cooling system fan breaks down, sooner or later the power unit will overheat. That is why you need to carefully monitor the condition of the fan, or rather, its performance. If the fan is broken, then it is necessary to determine the cause of the failure as soon as possible and fix it. Most often, a car radiator fan either does not work at all or works constantly. Let us specify the manifestations of these problems.

In the first case, the fan may not turn on at all, or simply not turn off. Despite the fact that there are only two problems, there are several reasons for their occurrence. You can check for yourself how efficient the fan is. To do this, you just need to start the engine without moving.

Wait a little while until the coolant warms up to above the optimum temperature. When the temperature is sufficient, that is, goes beyond the red line of the corresponding sensor, then the fan should turn on, causing additional noise to appear under the hood. But if the temperature needle has already gone beyond the red mark and the fan does not turn on, then immediately stop the engine, wait until it cools down, and then start looking for the causes of the breakdown.

First, inspect the fan motor. To check, connect it directly to the battery if the engine is carburetor. In cases with injection engines, you need to remove the connector from the sensor, after which the fan should work, and in emergency mode. If after connecting the fan does not turn on, you will have to buy a new one. But if it works, then everything is fine with it, and it is not it that needs to be checked, but, for example, the temperature sensor. Often, it is mounted in a radiator.

Disconnect it by disconnecting the wires and shorting them together. If the fan turns on at this moment, the sensor is broken and must be replaced. Check the fan power wires for breaks. Be sure to inspect the fuse and relay that supplies power to the fan. The fuse is responsible for sound signals, so to check its functionality, just press the horn. The relay needs to be checked for contact sticking. You should also check the functionality of the device with voltage applied to it. If the reaction is zero, then the relay needs to be changed. If you examine everything carefully, you will probably determine what the problem is.

Now let's look at the constant operation of the fan. One of the possible reasons for the constant operation of the cooling fan may be sticking of the relay contacts in the position in which voltage is supplied to the electric motor. Another such situation is possible when the thermostat is jammed in the position that corresponds to the movement of liquid in a small circle. But this is only possible if the car does not have a separate temperature sensor that is responsible for activating the fan.

Then the liquid overheats, the fan turns on, but no coolant flows into the radiator. The fluid temperature will remain high although the fan will be running. The thermostat may also get stuck in an intermediate position, that is, the liquid will flow to the radiator, but due to partial opening it will not completely enter the radiator, that is, it will not cool completely. However, if the fan is constantly running, then this is not as bad as its non-functioning. Therefore, you need to know exactly what to do if a unit breakdown is detected.

How to troubleshoot a radiator fan

Before removing the fan, disconnect the ground terminal from the car battery along with all the wires that go to the fan. Only after this can the fan be removed. To ensure that the breakdown does not recur and the cooling process proceeds more efficiently, experts recommend cleaning the fan from time to time, removing various types of contaminants. To clean you need to use a brush.

It happens that the fan breaks due to ordinary dirt. To check if this is true, peel back the engine casing and assess the condition of the equipment. As practice shows, you will have to buy new brushes, because they most often break due to too much dirt and premature wear.

Quite often the fan breaks due to poor contacts. This phenomenon is typical for oxidized contacts if you have never cleaned them. Therefore, before checking the fan, check the wires and, if necessary, replace them.

The next stage is to check the performance of the rotor and its windings. If a break or short circuit is detected, you will need to inspect each turn in order to determine the breakdown. Clean the winding in advance using a metal brush and a cloth soaked in solvent. It is prohibited to use products that contain aggressive elements.

If you determine that the electric motor is broken, you will have to buy a new device. If you are on the road, the engine temperature has become critical, but the radiator has not turned on, then first you need to stop the car, and then wait until the engine cools down. Next you can try the following:

1) Pick up speed above 60 km/h, so the liquid will be cooled by oncoming air flows;

2) Short the wires that go to the sensor to force the fan to turn on;

3) Turn on the car's interior heating system at full power, so some of the heat from the fluid will be lost to the interior.

Other radiator faults

It happens that the radiator fan turns on prematurely. The temperature sensor is to blame for this. It often incorrectly determines the temperature, which is why it sends a signal to the fan at the wrong time.

In this matter, you need to choose the right sensor. They are of two types - summer And winter, and their temperature conditions are different. For example, a winter sensor will work later, and a summer sensor - earlier. If you choose the wrong device, then do not be surprised that the fan in your car will turn on either earlier or later than necessary. The sensor may be working correctly, but the temperature range is not suitable for the device.

Many car enthusiasts underestimate how important and useful a car radiator fan is. If you do not pay attention to the breakdown, you risk paying a decent amount to repair an overheated engine. That is why it is necessary to diagnose the fan problem in time and fix it as soon as possible.

Why doesn't the fan on my laptop work?

  1. Damn you are blinking with advice: “Did you put it back?” For example, for me, such a problem is relevant every once in a while and for some reason it is solved by rebooting, or (when exactly 7 days pass (not just like that) by restoring) someone on this Can anyone recommend anything? p.s. I filmed it, checked it, connected it. Don't offer diagnostics, I'll figure it out myself. thanks in advance
  3. There is no need for you to go into the BIOS. Check whether the fan is attached correctly - maybe you installed the block incorrectly or broke the wire in it when you removed it. And one more thing - apply a voltage of 5-6 volts to the fan from a separate source and see if it rotates at all (you can determine the polarity experimentally). If not, remove the sticker and drop one drop of machine oil there. Then, put the sticker in place.
  4. Such issues cannot be resolved in absentia. You need to take it apart and look. Install AIDA 64 or Everest, see section Sensors - Cooler/Fan - speed.
  5. did you even catch him back? I also forgot to hook it back up =) check all the cables) maybe I hooked it up somewhere wrong)
  6. I had this happen =) the answer turned out to be simple - in a hurry I forgot to connect the cooler to the power supply on the motherboard =) check, maybe you didn’t notice either
  7. Most likely the wire is not inserted completely or the impeller clings to the body and you need to lubricate the cooler bearing, lubricate it under the sticker
  8. disassemble and reassemble again, it will work :) the wiring may have gotten into the impeller, the connector has not been fully inserted, or the wiring has been torn off from the fan... there are not so many reasons... unless, of course, you removed any parts from the motherboard with a screwdriver.
  9. remove the cooler and check for functionality or if you mixed up the plus and minus, there is such a case. Maybe after reading I cut something off or when the laptop warms up it should turn on itself.
  10. the same crap either reboot or depending on the mood wants it works doesn’t want it doesn’t work.. I don’t know why
  11. Does the cooler generally spin? If not, you need to lubricate it, or maybe something with the connector
  12. Maybe he just burned out? Sometimes it happens. That's not fatal. Buy a new cooler and install it. As a last resort, the data on your hard drive is still there.
  13. there are only two options. 1: you have not fully inserted the fan plug into the connector. 2: the fan has failed (you can check by simply exposing sections of the wires going to the fan and using a voltmeter or tester. If voltage is supplied to the fan, then it has simply failed, but if it does not then you need to take it to the service center and look for what’s wrong. By the way, you can test everything without completely assembling the laptop) P.S. Laptops are installed with a cropped version of the BIOS so you won’t see anything in the BIOS and you won’t be able to turn the fan on or off

Hi all! In this article I will tell you what to do if your fan suddenly stops working. Don’t rush to throw it away and run to the store to buy a new one. Perhaps it’s too early for the old air mixer to retire and he can be revived! How to extend the life of a fan?! Read the article further!

Yesterday it was hot outside.

My wife and I thought that our store clerk would be very uncomfortable without a fan. It's time to install it. Brought. Let's turn it on, but it won't turn on.

It doesn’t turn on and that’s it! You can even plug him in, press buttons, sing songs to him, persuade him - no matter what! The propeller doesn't turn. We even brought a second fan so that we could take the first one home and try to fix it there. But then they decided to fix it right in the store! At the same time, write an article about it!

Why doesn't the fan turn on?!

And here, attention, one little secret. If the fan propeller does not spin, this does not mean that the fan has died and should be parted with. Nevermind!

The fact is that, as it turned out, almost all such fans have one big problem. The most common.

The motor, which is responsible for rotating the propeller, dries out from time to time. Yes, yes, he lacks lubrication, which is why he is not able to cope with his task - to turn the metal pin. Therefore, the engine needs to be helped and lubricated properly with machine (or any technical) oil!

To do this, you need to disassemble the fan.

What tools are needed to disassemble the fan?

In order to disassemble your old friend - the air mixer, you will need the following tools:

1. Phillips screwdriver (take some Phillips bits for it)

2. Knife (to pry off one small white plug).

How to disassemble a fan: step-by-step instructions

1. First, remove the rim by unscrewing the first screw (top). In some types of fan, it may not be present. It could just be latches.

2. Then remove the fan blade (no screwdriver needed for this).

3. Unscrew the retaining nut and remove the fan protective frame.

4. Then you will see 4 screws that need to be removed.

5. Remove the panel

6. Then unscrew the upper fan position lock. There's a small screw inside there.

7. Use a knife to pry off the white plug located at the back of the fan.

8. And unscrew the cross-shaped screw found there.

9. You will have such a most interesting contraption in your hands.

By the way, when I was disassembling the fan, out of ignorance, I also unscrewed the bottom screw of the holder, thinking that if I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t remove the top cover.

Yes, yes, the cockerel was shocked too! Do you see his eyes?!

In general, it was not necessary to unscrew this screw. The lid would have come off anyway. But screwing it back in was not such a simple thing. After all, the upper structure of the fan prevents you from getting to the screw.

10. Well, now, generously drip engine oil into the motor (see the black hole in the photo where the spring is visible)

The cooler is sometimes called the lungs of the computer. Therefore, if you notice that the cooler on your laptop is not working - there is no usual quiet buzzing - then the device should under no circumstances be used so as not to cause a breakdown.

What is a cooler

A cooler is a fan that cools the processor and video card. The last elements in operation (especially intense) become very hot. If they are not provided with constant cooling, they will simply fail - they will burn out. This is why you cannot continue to use the device if the cooler on your laptop has stopped working.

This kind of fan rotates at different speeds: if the processor is heavily loaded, it picks up speed to maintain the element at the optimal temperature; if the laptop is in sleep mode, then the cooler also rests. Unlike a computer, a laptop is loaded much less frequently - only when running “heavy” applications, surfing web pages with a large number of scripts, etc.

Some people incorrectly believe that Apple MacBook devices do not have coolers, since they do not produce characteristic noise. However, it is not. Fans are certainly present there too. Just because the aluminum body of these devices is itself an excellent heat dissipator, the load on them is small, which is why you can’t hear them at all.

The average lifespan of a cooler is 2-5 years, but in some cases the mechanism fails much earlier. If it begins to creak, makes strange sounds, or spins more slowly, this is already a reason to disassemble the laptop or show it to a specialist.

Causes of problems

Why the cooler on a laptop does not work - we list the main reasons:

  • Heavy pollution. The fan passes air through itself, which is full of dust - it accumulates on its blades.
  • A malfunction of its own mechanism.
  • There is a problem with the motherboard - the elements responsible for rotating the cooler have failed.

If you have a cooler, install a utility that shows the processor temperature (for example, Core Temp). If this value is above 40-45 degrees, then the problem is correctly identified - it lies in the fan.

The cooler on the laptop does not work - what to do?

If you are not confident in your abilities, or the device is under warranty, then it is better to contact the appropriate service with the problem, so there will be only one solution - disassemble the laptop. Let us immediately note that some models use non-separable coolers - it is impossible to disassemble, clean and diagnose them.

So, let's begin:

  1. Turn off the device, disconnect the charger from it.
  2. Remove the back cover. On some devices this is quite simple - it is held on by plastic latches. On others, you need to unscrew all the screws.
  3. Disconnect the battery if it is hidden behind the cover, otherwise it must be removed immediately after step 1.
  4. Carefully remove the optical drive and hard drive. You need to disconnect all cables and cables leading to it from the cooler itself.
  5. After all this, you can remove the fan itself.

If its dustiness is noticeable to the naked eye, then most likely the cooler on the laptop is not working due to small debris accumulated on it. If the radiator is heavily soiled, the radiator must also be cleaned, otherwise the cleaned blades will not be a solution to the problem. In this case, you will need to stock up on new thermal paste and thermal pads.

Cooler cleaning

You can clean the cooler as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the sticker covering its central blades and store it in a safe place until the repair is completed.
  2. If it hid the axis of the blades, then drop a little machine oil onto the latter with a pipette. If the axis is covered with a plug or a lid, then remove this protection by carefully prying it off with something sharp.
  3. Next, you need to remove the plastic locking element - the ring, the gasket and expose the “propeller” to a white light.
  4. Using a cotton swab, carefully clean the element from accumulated layers of dust. Finally, lubricate the axle with the same machine oil.
  5. Now place all the elements in their rightful places in reverse order.

This manipulation should completely solve the problem. If after this the cooler on the laptop still does not work, then you need to move on to the next step.

Cooler diagnostics

Pay attention to the wires that integrate the cooler with the motherboard. There are usually three of them:

  • white (yellow) - is responsible for the rotation speed of the fan blades;
  • red - continuous DC power supply to the cooler;
  • black - mass.

Now you can test the cooler by connecting the wiring to a DC power source. If the device does not start to rotate, it means that its electric motor is faulty. Otherwise, the problem must be looked for in the motherboard.

Prevention of the problem

Let's present a number of effective tips that will help your laptop cooler maintain long-term performance:

  • operate the laptop in a cool, ventilated area;
  • the device must be placed on a table (not dusty, of course) - between its bottom and the surface of the support there should always be a distance equal to the height of the laptop’s legs;
  • give up the habit of putting your laptop on your lap, carpet, bed; animals warming themselves near the cooler are also, alas, undesirable;
  • carry out preventive cleaning of the cooler from dust at least once a year;
  • use a cooling pad for your laptop (some models are convenient because they are powered by a USB connector) - it allows the cooler to move air through it faster and more intensely.

The main reason why a laptop cooler does not work is that its blades are clogged with household dust floating in the air. However, following preventive measures will help protect your laptop from such an annoying breakdown.