How to find friends by ID on VKontakte. How to find a person on VKontakte. How to quickly find old correspondence with a user

How to find friends by ID on VKontakte.  How to find a person on VKontakte.  How to quickly find old correspondence with a user
How to find friends by ID on VKontakte. How to find a person on VKontakte. How to quickly find old correspondence with a user

We already know how to use standard search on a social network (see). But you may need to determine a page knowing only its id.

Now we will figure out what it is and learn how to search for people on VKontakte by id.

What is id and how to find it out

ID is a unique VKontakte page number. Each social network user receives a unique numeric number during registration.

The identifier is formed from the prefix “id” and a set of numbers. Indicated after the website address. Here's an example.

Where the characters “id3667352” are, is the ID.

In order to find out the ID of a specific page, you need to go to it and copy the data from the address bar of the browser (see).

If you know the necessary data, or you have been given the Id, you can search for the right person.

How to find a person on VKontakte by id

You can go the following way. Launch your browser and type “” in the address bar. Next, put a slash “/” and indicate the desired identifier. Then press the Enter key.

You will be taken to the desired page.

You can also use search engines. It is enough to enter the desired ID into them and carry out a search. The first place in the results will be the user's VKontakte page with the specified number.

If you are using a browser on your phone, or a mobile version of VK (see), then the steps are similar to those that we discussed in the previous step.

If you need to find a person by id using the VKontakte application on your mobile, do the following.

Open the application, and at the bottom of the window, click on the “Magnifying Glass” icon to go to the search tool. Here, go to the People tab. Now write the required ID in the form. The page you are looking for will be automatically found.

Now you can go to it.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated. If you have a page ID, you will be able to view it in a minute using the methods described above.


In contact with

For various reasons, you may need to know ID(ID) of your page or another VKontakte user. For example, you want, or you want from the name.

ID— digital identifier of users and other pages on the social network VK, and not only.

Quick navigation:

How to find out your VKontakte id.

The task is actually very simple if you did not change the link to your page from numbers to letters, by nickname or name. You need to go on and have a look link in the window your browser addresses.

There will be a value of several digits, this will be your number id.

How to find out the id of another VKontakte user.

By analogy with the method above, to find out your id, you can go to the person’s page and if he did not change the link to an alphabetic one, then the numbers in the address of his page, after… and there will be his ID. (see image above).

How to find out the VKontakte id if it has been changed to a name or nickname.

If you previously changed the display of your page address to First Name Last Name or Nick.
For example it was:

Became:, nickname - rulelik. Nick is not an ID!

In order to see what id is in the renamed addresses, you need to open the avatar of your page or the one whose id you want to find out. Next, look at the link in the address bar of the browser. The series of numbers highlighted in the image will be the desired ID value.

If there is no photo.

Find out the ID of the renamed page if not no photo, it will be a little more complicated, there are several options.
Go to the videos, if there are any, the link will be like this, 189912365
Accordingly, the numbers from the link will be its id. In correspondence, look at the links.

See what VKontakte id from your phone.

On almost any phone, you can copy the address of the page, image, then paste it into the empty message input field. This way you can view your ID through your phone. The first part of the link with the number will be the id of the page on which you copied the photo address.

Cool VKontakte ID numbers!

Pavel Durov, as the founder of the social network VKontakte, of course deserves the right to have his own page under identification number 1.
The founder of VKontakte, Pavel Durov, who left the leadership of VKontakte in 2014, is still available at the link

646332 17.10.2016



We receive this question via email to our feedback address almost several times a day.

The reasons for such curiosity are different, some were deceived, others are blackmailed. Below we provide several examples of queries (styles and punctuation are preserved):

“The scammers from this ID address: ...... are threatening and extorting money from my father, if you have the opportunity to tell me their ip, I will be grateful to you, then I will contact the police.
P.S. If you need my passport or my mobile phone, I will provide you with everything.”
“An unknown girl scammed me on Skype and is now demanding money under the threat of sending an intimate video to all my friends on VK.
The police said that even if I wrote a statement, no one would seriously look into this matter.”
“Tonight someone created a page on VK, and they started insulting me and my relatives.
We contacted the police, they told us that they could not do anything.
Help us identify the IP of the hooligans. they are threatening the children in the photo.”
“Good afternoon, Dear project administration, I am a widow with many children, I was advised to turn to you for help, since law enforcement agencies are inactive on their own.

For three years, my family has been harassed by an unknown person: he threatens, insults, spreads false information discrediting honor and dignity, registers me on dating sites and distributes my number and address with offers of an intimate nature.

Threats are backed up by actions, for example, on 5/08/15 an arson was set. I'm trying to figure out who is behind all this.

Is it possible to find out the IP address by the profile ID in VK? I have suspicions about one person.

Is it possible to report if the IP address of the user who is threatening me and the user I suspect is the same?

If necessary, I can send screenshots of threats and replies from the police department. VK ID of unknown person……. ID of the suspect in VK……… HELP PLEASE!!!”

In this short article we will try to clarify the situation a little and answer this painful question.

If you contact a local police officer who is trying to get rid of you and does not understand what is going on, we can advise you to find police department “K” in your city.

It is this department that investigates Internet crime.

But there is also not very good news: the likelihood that this department will take on your case is extremely low.

They handle larger cases involving banking thefts, hacking into banking systems, government websites, etc.

Why should you contact law enforcement? The answer is very simple. The IP address of a VKontakte user is known only to the administration of the VKontakte network and to no one else.

By law, this information cannot be shared with anyone other than law enforcement agencies.

If the latter contact, the social network may well give out not only the last IP address, but also the history of all visits as well as the history of IP addresses.

Having this information, law enforcement agencies can make a request to whom the received IP addresses belong and thus obtain the real data of the person.

Only law enforcement agencies have such powers, and only by receiving and linking information from the VKontakte network and the Internet provider can one find the real location of a person.

ID is a unique number that is assigned to each user when registering on the VKontakte social network. The address to the page looks like this:

Subsequently, you will be asked to replace these numbers with any other combination consisting of Latin letters or numbers. But in any case, the page id will remain unchanged.

Surely most of our readers are registered and actively use the largest social network in Russia and the CIS, VKontakte, also known as Many also know that any page (be it a profile page, group page, public page or meeting) has its own unique identifier - VKontakte ID.

And if previously the digital ID was always displayed in the address bar of the browser, then for quite some time now you can set a beautiful name of letters and numbers for any page, which will be displayed instead of the “sequence number”. But in some situations, we still need the digital identifier of a particular page, which is not so easy to find at first glance.

It's about what is VKontakte page ID what they are like, how to find out your or someone else's ID address in VK, as well as the ID of the public/group/meeting, you will learn today from this detailed instruction article.

What is a VKontakte id and what does it look like?

Before we figure it out, how to find out id the object you need on a social network VKontakte ( we want to briefly tell you about what an id in VK is, why it is needed, and what types this identifier is.

VKontakte ID is a unique identifier that any page on VK has: user profile, public page, group or meeting. The IDs of these pages are slightly different. The ID is assigned when the page is created and cannot be changed in the future.

Let's first figure out what IDs we need to know and how to distinguish them. id 1234567890 - ID person profile public 1234567890 - ID public page (public) club 1234567890 - ID groups event 1234567890 - ID meetings

ID includes only one of the above Latin words and numbers (and only numbers, not letters!).

How to find out your VKontakte ID

Most often, users need to look at their ID in It couldn't be easier to do this. Your profile ID can be found in the address bar of your browser (if you have not set a nickname for yourself), or in your profile settings.

At first, all VKontakte users had only a digital ID, and there was no problem finding out yours at all, but for quite some time now everyone has been able to set a unique name for themselves, which is displayed instead of an ID in the browser.

If you haven't done this, just click on the link "My page" on the left side of the screen and you will see your ID in the address bar of your browser.

If instead of a digital identifier you see text in English, it means you have set yourself a beautiful address for your profile page. But it’s okay, in this case you can see the ID in the settings in just a couple of clicks.

Click on the VK profile name in the upper right corner and select the item in the drop-down menu "Settings".

Just below on the main settings screen you will see the page address you have set. Click the button "Change" next to him.

A field with the name will appear under the "Page Address" line "Page number"- this is your ID on the VKontakte social network.

Now you have found out your ID. But if it’s quite easy to look up your number, then in order to look up another person’s ID, sometimes you may need to work a little (just a little), and sometimes it’s no more difficult to do this than to find out your ID.

How to find out the ID of another VKontakte user

In order to find out someone else's ID, you need to do the following. Open the profile of the person whose ID you want to see and simply hover over his avatar. In most browsers, a pop-up address bar will appear in the lower left (or right) corner, in which you will find the person's ID.

In this case the ID is set of numbers after the word photo And before the underscore, i.e. 1234567890.

If your browser does not show a pop-up message on hover, then this is also not a problem. Click on the user’s avatar and in the address bar of the browser you will also see the ID of this profile, similar to the option above, after the word photo and before the underscore there will be exactly what you were looking for.

Everything can be made even simpler if you have a correspondence with a VKontakte user whose ID you want to know. In this case, simply open your dialogue in the "Messages" tab and in the address bar of your browser you will see the ID of this profile immediately after the letters "im?sel=".

As you can see, finding out the id of any user is not at all difficult. However, none of the above methods (except the last one) will work if you are on a person’s blacklist. What to do in this case? Let's talk.

How to find out ID if you are on the black list (blocked)

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to find out the ID of the person whose blacklist you are on, i.e. locked down. In this case, you can also view his ID, but it’s a little more complicated; to do this you will have to open the code of his VKontakte profile page.

Open the page to which access is limited for you, call the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on this page and select the item in it "View code"/"View element code" or similar, depending on your browser.

Enter the text in the search bar that opens using the page code "user_id". As a result of the search, you will see this text in the page code, followed by the digital ID of the VKontakte user, which is what we need.

As you can see, it is quite easy to find out the ID of any VK user, even if you are on his blacklist.

How to find out the ID of a public, group or meeting

The simplest thing in this entire instruction is to find out the public ID, group ID or VKontakte meeting ID. This can be done in many different ways, and here are a couple of the simplest ones.

Click on the avatar of the public/group/meeting and you will see the identifier in the address bar of your browser immediately after the word "photo-" And before the underscore.

The group doesn't have an avatar? No problem. Open any post on her wall and you will find the desired ID still there, in the address bar, this is numbers before underscore and after "wall-".

In the same way, you can view the ID by opening albums or videos of the group. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated; one of the proposed methods will definitely help you find out the required identifier.