We break and protect WordPress with our own hands. We break and protect WordPress with our own hands You might also be interested

We break and protect WordPress with our own hands.  We break and protect WordPress with our own hands You might also be interested
We break and protect WordPress with our own hands. We break and protect WordPress with our own hands You might also be interested

5 simple precautions to help you protect your business blog from hacker attacks.

1: Removing the “Admin” login
Hackers look for blogs whose owners have left the default WordPress admin login, because that's half the information they need to hack. By using the “Admin” login, you save hackers a lot of time - all they have to do is find out your password. After that, they will have access to your blog and can do whatever they want on it.

Therefore, the first step to blog security is to create a new profile for yourself and delete the standard login. After this, it will be more difficult for your commercial blog to be hacked.
To create a new profile, open your WordPress admin panel, go to the Users section and click Add New.

Create a new user and give him the administrator role.
Fill out the forms and make sure you have admin rights to make the necessary changes to your blog. After creating a user, log out of your WordPress admin panel and log in by entering your new user details.

Go to the Users section again and delete the default admin profile. At this point, WordPress will prompt you to transfer all admin posts to your new profile; select this option - this way you will not lose content and data.

2: Use a strong password

No matter how much people are told about the dangers associated with using simple passwords, many continue to use them because they are easy to remember. Unfortunately, they are also easy to pick up.
It is very important to use a strong and secure password. It must be a minimum of eight characters and include uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and special characters.

To change your WordPress password to a more secure one, go to the “Users” section and select “Your Profile”, then fill out the fields to create a new password - they are at the bottom of the page.
Every member of your team should do this, since every login is a potential backdoor for hackers.

3: Update to the latest version of WordPress

WordPress software, themes, and plugins are updated regularly to avoid website vulnerabilities. When a new version of WordPress is released, a corresponding message appears at the top of the admin panel.

When you see the yellow notification at the top of your WordPress admin panel, update to the latest version.
The update process is very simple and occurs in one click, so you do not have to close the browser or perform any manipulations via FTP.

4: Blog database backup

Database backup is an important part of blog security.
With WordPress there are simple paid and free solutions for backup. For beginners, the easiest way is to use WP-DB-Backup - one of the most popular WordPress data backup plugins.

To install WP-DB-Backup, go to the "Plugins" section and select "Add New". In the search bar, enter WP-DB-Backup. After that, click “Install” and “OK”.

Finding and installing a blog backup plugin is easy. In the “Plugins” tab, click “Add New” and find WP-DB-Backup or another backup plugin.
Activate the plugin from the Plugins page.

After activating the plugin, a new Backup item will appear in the “Tools” section, with which you can immediately backup your database or set up regular backups. Backup files can be downloaded to your hard drive or sent to the server via email.

The WP-DB-Backup plugin allows you to save data to the server, download it, or send it by mail.
This way you can rest assured that if something happens, your data will not be lost.

5: Limited number of login attempts

The Limit Login Attempts plugin is especially useful for protecting against hacker attacks - it blocks the login page after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts. You, as an administrator, decide how many login attempts can be made before the plugin triggers a lockout.

To install this plugin, go to the Plugins section and select Add New, just like you did with the WP-DB-Backup plugin.

This time, search for “Limit Login Attempts,” then click “Install” and “OK.” Activate the plugin from the Plugins page. After this, in the “Parameters” section you will have a new item: “Limit Login Attempts”.

To set the allowed number of failed login attempts, click "Limit Login Attempts", fill out the fields and save the changes by clicking the "Change Options" button.

Carefully check each plugin you download, as they can also be used by attackers to gain access to your blog.

Therefore, you should only install plugins from trusted sources and check the reviews of each new plugin on WordPress.org.
Take care of the security of your blog.

Hello dear readers, I’m here with the current topic of How to protect a WordPress blog from hacking?

Ensuring the security of a website is one of the important tasks when creating and promoting it. Find out 8 basic techniques and recommendations on how to secure a website from hacking.

Recommendation No. 1 To protect your blog, always use the latest versions of the WordPress engine, because developers are constantly improving themes and templates and other components of the engine and naturally remove all holes and loopholes that are convenient for hackers to hack.

In addition, the prestige of WordPress is very great; website security has always been a top priority for their creators.

Recommendation No. 2 If you are the full owner of the blog or a user with administrator rights, change your login to enter the admin panel from the standard admin form to a more complex and non-standard form.

Recommendation #3 To secure your blog, you should definitely hide the WordPress engine you are using. An experienced hacker, if he knows the version of your engine, then knows all its vulnerabilities and has the appropriate tools for unauthorized access to your blog.

How can an outsider find out the version of the WordPress engine? Yes, very simple! Just press Ctrl + U on any blog page and the HTML source code will appear.

Find the line with the tag