What is Periscope? How to use it? Periscope app - what is it? Rules for using Periscope

What is Periscope? How to use it? Periscope app - what is it? Rules for using Periscope

Periscope is one of the relatively new social networks, which opens up very interesting opportunities for the modern user that were previously unavailable. You can show yourself to the whole world and look at people from all corners of the globe. And all this in online broadcast mode, which allows you to communicate almost live.

Before you start understanding it, you need to install it. The main access method is a portable device. You can find out how to download the program on smartphones with different operating systems on our website. There is an article about how, if there is such a need.

Next step - . Before you can use Periscope, you need to create an account. This can be done using your Twitter account or mobile phone number. Detailed instructions are in the corresponding article. When all the obstacles have been overcome, you can finally start on another gadget. A detailed description of the functionality is presented below.

How to use Periscope on Android

In the smartphone application, the interface is quite convenient and clear. There are usually no difficulties in using the program correctly. In general, the menu can be divided into five main sections:

At the bottom right is a white camera icon in a red circle - an opportunity to start broadcasting for those who decide to use Periscope to demonstrate themselves rather than observe the lives of others. Is there any way I can customize my video? How to create the desired streaming video?

  • The first point is the choice between public and private broadcast. For the second option, you need to designate those subscribers whom you decide to invite. In the first one, anyone can connect.
  • Broadcast title. It's better to choose something catchy and interesting. Or use information feeds.
  • Location display is turned off by default, but if you want to be selected based on geography, you can turn it on.
  • Limiting what you can say in chat can make your video boring. But if the audience is large, this will significantly save time and nerves.
  • Posting a message on Twitter will attract more viewers.

How to use Periscope on a computer

There is no special program for PCs yet, since the social network was originally developed for tablets and smartphones - in short, mobile gadgets with a high degree of autonomy and a good camera. But if you don’t have access to a device of this kind, you can also log in through a computer. To do this you will need an Android emulator. The most stable program of this type today is Bluestacks. The program can be downloaded for free on the developers' website. After installing the application, you need to log into your Google account (or create a new one) and download Periscope from there. Further, there is no difference between using it on a smartphone and a computer.

Some services are also available in the browser. So, you can contact the Support Service through the website or connect as a viewer to any random broadcast using the link: periscope.tv/couchmode.

Quite recently, Twitter Inc launched a new mobile streaming service - Periscope. Broadcasts became immediately available to Android and iOS users in March 2015. This software appeared a year earlier thanks to Kayvon Beykopour and Joe Bernstein. After its creation, it was bought by Twitter for a huge amount of money - $120 million.

In July 2015, the company was able to sum up its results: it counted more than 10 million registered users, and this was in just 4 months of existence. The functionality of the software is quite wide, but the main task of the program is video broadcasting and communication.


For many who became the first users of Periscope, it was not clear what this word was. Previously, it could be heard, for example, in the film “Raise the Periscope.” This American comedy appeared back in the 60s. Back then, no one knew exactly about smartphones and programs for them. In 1996, another comedy with a similar name was released. "Remove the Periscope" is a very popular wartime film.

But, one way or another, none of these films are in any way connected with the program. So why does it have such a strange name?


This is an optical device that is installed on submarines and tanks. Thanks to it, you can conduct surveillance from cover. It looks like an ordinary pipe, with mirrors attached on both sides. They are located so that the path of light rays changes. The periscope can also be a hand-held or stereo scope. One way or another, it is used in military affairs. Now it becomes clear regarding the two aforementioned war films. There they were talking about submarine captains.

This is a strange name for software, although it can be explained. The developers wanted to show the user that he can observe the whole world through this program. He has access to broadcasts of absolutely all participants. Although the software allows users to hide their streams.

However, anyone who has downloaded Periscope can easily go to Paris or New York and watch broadcasts from Australia or Britain. In this case, the smartphone screen will become a kind of periscope tube.


We already know what a social network is. “Periscope” in this case remains between this concept and the term “application”. The software still has social network functions. You can not only connect to broadcasts, but gather your circle and conduct broadcasts for them. This way you meet new people, find friends with similar interests, learn a language and just travel without leaving your room.

Many people are still interested in what Periscope is: a social network or regular software? But everyone is already accustomed to answering this question in their own way. Those who use Periscope for communication can confidently call it a social network, those who only “spy” on the lives of others can consider it just an entertainment application.


To the question of what “Periscope” is, many can answer - life. Indeed, some users spend the whole day there. They can share the events of their lives with other people, broadcast their breakfast, lunch and dinner, going to school or work, holidays and entertainment.

Many users believe that Periscope is more addictive than other social networks. This is due to numerous broadcasts. For example, if a photo on Instagram can be seen tomorrow, then you won’t be able to watch the broadcast later. It will start at a certain moment and will force you to abandon all your affairs and bury yourself in the smartphone screen.


Many users believe that it is through Periscope that one can look real. Videos are recorded instantly and published immediately. You can’t duplicate anything, much less cut it out.

To gather an army of fans around you, you need to broadcast regularly. Then, in addition to subscribers, you can collect a lot of “hearts”. To find interesting broadcasts, the program will recommend you random users.

But you will never understand what Periscope is unless you try this application yourself. We'll look at how to work with it next.

To get started, download

It is clear that before you start using the software, you need to install it on your gadget. To do this, go to the application store. For devices with the iOS operating system, go to the App Store, for Android OS, to the Play Market, and for Windows Phone, go to the Windows Phone Store. Enter Periscope into the search and click “install”.


Now that the new application icon has appeared on the desktop, select it and go into the software. Before we start, the program will tell us what Periscope is. We will see a slide show demonstrating our capabilities.

We need to select “get started” and we will be redirected to “register or login”. Since you are a new user, you will have to create an account. This can be done in two ways:

  • Via Twitter.
  • Using a phone number.

If you are a Twitter user, then registering will be easy for you. To do this, click “login via Twitter”. The program will automatically redirect you to its first tab. If you do not have your Twitter account information entered on your smartphone, you will have to spend time filling out your account.

If you do not have the above program, you can register using your phone number. You need to select a country and enter a number. Next, you will receive an SMS on your phone containing a confirmation code.

Registration does not end there. Before us is your future profile. Now you just need to fill it out. Enter your first and last name, also come up with a username (nickname), and add your photo.

Find and don't give up

Now that we are registered, I want to test the program. To do this, we need to find interesting users. The first tab will contain those you are subscribed to, and below are recommended broadcasts. The first three of them are new people, and below are the ones you've already watched.

Always be in the know

If you missed the broadcast, it will be available for another 24 hours. Also with the people you recommend. Those who are currently online will not always be displayed there. Sometimes the software recommends viewing already completed streams. The recording is interactive. You will see how users were added to it and how they put “hearts”. In offline mode, you can rewind the video.


To watch live broadcasts, you need to go to the tab with the globe. You will be presented with a world map with a huge number of points. These are all the broadcasts that are currently happening around the world. You can select, for example, your city and see the people who are currently streaming, perhaps your friend or neighbor will be among them.

The social network was launched by two friends Kayvon Beykpour and Joseph Bernstein, and was later bought by Twitter for $100 million. By the end of summer 2015, the number of Periscope fans exceeded 10,000,000. At the moment, the popularity of the application is growing at tremendous speed.

What is Periscope and why is it needed?

As we said earlier, Periscope is a mobile application with which you can broadcast or watch live broadcasts. For those who conduct their own broadcasts, the application is an excellent option for telling something interesting to other people or just chatting. Click “Start Broadcast” and you will immediately be on the air.

Directly for viewers, the application provides a unique chance to watch people from any part of the world, communicate with them and make new acquaintances. Moreover, all this can be done while sitting comfortably in your chair and eating your favorite donuts. You can not just indifferently watch what is happening, but also contact the presenter via chat. In which you can ask questions and reward the speaker with hearts.

The guide below will help you master the application in no time. We will show you all the most important things, no matter who you are, a viewer or a presenter.

How to register on Periscope?

STEP 1. Install the application

Before you proceed to registering with Periscope, you need to install it on your smartphone or tablet.

If you have an Android smartphone, use this link Download Perisope for Android

If you have a Windows Phone smartphone, use this link Download Perisope on Windows Phone

Or go manually to the AppStore, GooglePlay, Microsoft respectively, write “Periscope” in the search and click “Install”

STEP 2. Register on Periscope via Twitter account or phone SIM card?

Now that the application has been successfully installed, it's time to open it and register. Once you open the Periscope app, you have little choice. Namely, how do you register. This can be done in two ways. The first is registration via Twitter, and the second is using your phone number.

Before you make your choice, think!
If you choose to register via Twitter, you will not have to enter a verification code every time you log in. If you have more than one Twitter account, there is no need to worry, since Periscope, like Twitter, allows you to own several accounts and use them for different tasks.

Registration on Periscope via phone

Now let's look at the registration scheme using a phone number.

1. To begin, click on the corresponding inscription - registration using a phone number.

2. Then enter your phone number and then click the send code button to confirm.

3. Then enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS and click on the “Create account” button.

If you have not received the SMS, you should take a step back to the previous page and send a second request.

STEP 3. Choosing a name

Choosing a name in a given social network is a very important point if you plan to use it, for example, for business. It should be understood that the name on Periscope does not necessarily have to match the name on Twitter. If you don't want to use the same name, you can come up with a new one.

Now Periscope allows its users to choose their own names. At the same time, you can have several accounts absolutely freely, without any restrictions.
Regardless of what name you choose for yourself, you should be aware that by capitalizing every word in your username, it will be much easier for other users and periscope viewers to recognize you.

A small guide to Periscope

I am sure that you will be interested to know what awaits you inside after registration. When you already use the application, when you enter it, first of all, you will see broadcasts taking place directly on the air. In addition, you will see users who subscribe to your broadcast. And also those who will share the broadcast.

But, if you registered using a phone number and log in for the first time, you will see a screen like this

Getting to know the interface

Periscope is based on three basic actions that you can perform. Firstly, you can view broadcasts. Secondly, you can conduct your own individual broadcasts. And thirdly, this is a unique opportunity to find people you are interested in. The “periskope” tab, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen, will serve you to subsequently go to the main page.

But before you start using Periscope in full, it is recommended that you fill out your profile. To fill out your profile, you should go to the “Users” tab, which is located in the lower right corner. After clicking on the icon, you will see the following screen. Click on the icon in the upper right corner to edit your profile.

Complete your profile!

Manage subscribers, subscription and blacklist

Directly from your profile, you can see who you are following. And if necessary, you can disable unnecessary subscriptions in one click. Also in your profile you will receive information about those who follow you. And of course, in the black list you will see all the users included there. In addition, you have the ability to view and delete your own broadcasts.

User blocking scheme

This scheme works as follows. Once you have blocked a user, he will not be able to view your broadcasts. His access to your chat is also blocked and he is no longer your subscriber. In detail, it works like this: you click on the name of the person you want to block. Then click “block user”. This blocking does not deprive you of the opportunity to unblock any user you have blacklisted. To do this, click on the “unblock” button, in the field of which you will see the unlock option, you just have to click on it and the user will be unblocked.

By the way, the user will not receive a notification that you have blocked him

Changing notification settings

Each time you will receive notifications if:

Someone will follow you

Someone from your subscription list starts broadcasting,

Someone on your following invites you to a private broadcast,

Someone from your subscription list invites you to another user's broadcast,

Someone on your Twitter list goes live for the first time.

Ways to edit notifications

By editing the settings, you can turn off notifications when someone follows you. You can turn off notifications for a specific user's broadcasts while still following them. You can also turn off notifications for those participants whose broadcasts are no longer interesting to you. Additionally, you have the option to turn off almost all notifications. To do this, go to the application settings, then to “Notifications” and turn off all notifications.

Subscription methods

Finding people you want to follow happens in the same way as in many social networks. networks. After you subscribe, you will receive notifications, unless, of course, you have disabled them. And on the main page, you will have access to a replay for 24 hours. You will also be invited to watch broadcasts taking place at others. However, you can, if you want, participate in their chat. In addition, all participants will be able to invite you to watch broadcasts.

Deciding on which subscription to choose is very easy. These could be your idols from show business, actors, singers, musicians, bloggers, etc. Ideally, the members you want to follow should regularly broadcast videos. Otherwise, subscribing to such users is simply pointless. It is also desirable to have at least similar interests. Otherwise, you will simply overwhelm yourself with information garbage.

Look at who the users you follow follow. Perhaps you will find many interesting personalities. To do this, click on the username and see who he follows. Often the interestingness of a person can be judged by the number of subscribers. If a person has a lot of subscribers, most likely he is doing something interesting.

If you are curious, you may be interested in watching broadcasts from certain parts of the world. To do this, click on the globe icon at the bottom of the screen and select the desired location on the map.

Watch the broadcast

Each time you open the application, you are taken directly to the Periscope tab, which displays ongoing broadcasts, as well as broadcasts that have already taken place recently. They are located a little lower. Past broadcasts are stored for only 24 hours, then deleted, but can also be deleted earlier if the author wants to do this right away.

To start watching the broadcast, just click on it.

If you haven't turned off notifications, then every time someone you follow starts broadcasting, you will receive a notification about it. Click on it and the broadcast will start watching

Ignoring app users

This year there is a unique opportunity to ignore users. To do this, you need to set up a special function to notify the users you are reading.
After you have successfully added users you don't need to your ignore list, you will still have access to their feed, but you will not receive push notifications from them when the user starts broadcasting.

How to contact the broadcaster?

First, you can write messages. The window for leaving messages is located directly below the broadcast itself. But keep in mind that if there are too many viewers in the broadcast, a lock icon appears in the message field and the ability to write messages disappears.

Hearts on Periscope

Hearts in this application have absolutely the same meaning as likes on social networks. And they show the popularity of a particular user in this application. Their place on the list also depends on them. If you want to be as high as possible in this list of users, then you need to collect as many hearts as possible. You can receive hearts both during and when watching the video broadcast again.

Usually hearts are given in cases where you liked something you saw or heard. You can encourage the speaker simply by pressing your finger on the screen. And if you continue to repeatedly point your finger at the screen, the accumulated hearts will spread across the screen, creating the effect of applause. Based on the number of hearts, your favorite speaker will rise in the ratings table. Will become the most famous and popular. This will make it easier for other users to find it in searches.

Dating on Periscope

At your discretion, you can choose the most suitable method for you. You can study everyone present during the live broadcast.
To study, you must click on the icon indicating the number of users. After which their interests will be available to you, and you will be able to choose exactly the person you want to follow.
If for some reason you did not have time to subscribe during online viewing, you still have time to do so within 24 hours after the start of the live broadcast.

Necessary knowledge for broadcasting

So, let's talk about how to conduct your own broadcasts. To start broadcasting, tap the lens icon at the bottom of the screen.

Next, you will be taken to the settings screen, where you will need to specify the name of the broadcast and select the broadcast characteristics. Particular attention must be paid to the name. It should be clear and short. Your name will be the key for other subscribers to decide whether or not to go to your broadcast. If you wish, you can indicate the location from which you are broadcasting live. Accordingly, if you are at home and you do not want your location to be determined, do not indicate the location of the broadcast.

Broadcast access settings

Periscope allows you to conduct both public and private broadcasts. A public broadcast, as you may have guessed, can be watched by everyone, while a private broadcast can only be watched by those you invited. If you want the broadcast to be private, click on the lock icon.

How to limit incoming messages?

If you do not want to receive messages from unfamiliar users, click on the messages icon. Now only those who follow you can write messages on air.

How to get people talking about your broadcast on Twitter?

If you would like to notify your Twitter followers about the broadcast, click the Twitter icon. And then everyone who reads you will receive a notification about your broadcast.

How to set up autosave broadcast?

By default, all your broadcasts are saved in your account for 24 hours. But you can disable this option. See screenshot. In addition, it is possible to save it to a smartphone or tablet after the broadcast ends.

Additional options

To switch the camera while broadcasting, you need to double-click on the screen.

To stop broadcasting, swipe down from the top of the screen. You will see a “End Broadcast” button. Click on it and the broadcast will end.

After the end of the broadcast, you don’t have to wait 24 hours and delete the recording yourself. To do this, click on the button with the screen, find your entry, click on it and select “Delete”

If you do not delete the recording yourself, it will be available for viewing within 24 hours. This means that any user can watch a replay of your broadcast, see all the messages and likes. Everything is the same, only repeated.

To watch a replay of your broadcast, go to the “Periscope” section (TV icon below) and find the one you need in the list of all broadcasts. As mentioned above, broadcasts are available for viewing for 24 hours. Then they are removed. By the way, there are services with which you can bypass this restriction.

Periscope broadcast to computer

Many users who are just starting to get acquainted with the application are wondering: Is it possible to watch Pereskop broadcasts on a computer? We answer: “Yes, you can.” To watch the broadcast you need to enter periscope.tv/nic in your browser, where nic is the name of the user, the broadcast you want to watch. You'll be taken to his account and, if he's streaming now, you'll be able to join. If the user is not currently broadcasting anything, you can watch replays of his broadcasts that took place over the past 24 hours.

Keep in mind that if you are watching the broadcast from a computer, you cannot write messages or put hearts.

How to remove a periscope

If you want to remove the periscope, you should contact the application support with this request. To do this, write an email to [email protected] From the mailbox to which your Twitter account is linked, write “Delete my account” in the subject line of the email. If you registered using a phone number, then simply enter your username. Deleting your account will take some time.

Well! So we got acquainted with such a wonderful application as Periscope. If you liked the article, please click the thumbs up and tell your friends about it. We will also be glad to see your comments!

Guide to installing and using the Periscope application on Android mobile devices.


When Twitter microblogs appeared, many Internet users reacted negatively to this resource and characterized it as “pampering,” but today this social network is popular all over the world and is used by both ordinary people and high-ranking officials.
Twitter did not stop there and released a new application of its kind, Periscope, aimed at iOS mobile platforms. Due to the high popularity of the application on Apple gadgets, Twitter specialists were not lazy and adapted it for mobile devices with the Android operating system.

What is Periscope?

  • Periscope is a mobile application that allows users to broadcast video online over the Internet, communicate with people, share interesting content, collect subscribers and likes.
  • The application is an independent social network where anyone can register an account and broadcast around the world. All you need is a mobile device with a camera and Internet access.
  • Periscope has a wide range of uses. It is used both for personal purposes, to communicate with friends and family, and for commercial purposes. Essentially, anyone with the desire and talent can create their own show, broadcast worldwide via Periscope in real time.

How to install and run Periscope on Android?

IMPORTANT: The Periscope application is only available on Android versions 4.4 KitKat and higher. Earlier versions of the operating system do not support the application

How to use Periscope on Android?

  • Once you have logged into your Periscope account, you will be taken to the main page, which looks like a list of videos, but if you click on one of them, you will connect to the broadcast, where you can watch the actions of the author in real time, leave comments and chat with other viewers.
  • The topics of broadcasts can be different, ranging from simple gatherings in front of the camera to news releases and various exciting shows. The main page will display the most popular broadcasts at that time. As you watch broadcasts, the list on the main page will automatically adjust to your preferences.

  • After opening any available broadcast, a video will appear in front of you in full screen mode, and in the lower left corner you can see a chat with comments from viewers. To leave your comment, just click the " Say» and enter the text of the message. Your comment will be instantly transmitted to the author of the broadcast and viewers.
  • You can also see a pop-up stream of hearts on the screen, which act as a kind of applause. Thanks to these hearts, the author of the broadcast can adapt to the audience, understand what is of interest to viewers and what is not. To send hearts, just tap on the screen. You can do this an infinite number of times.

Thanks to modern technologies, we have the opportunity to communicate with people on any social networks, online games using video chats, without thinking that we are separated by thousands, or even millions of kilometers. The Periscope application, the appearance of which we owe to the developers of Twitter, is today breaking all records of popularity. Now you can watch the sunrise in China and a master class on a homemade face mask from your mobile device almost simultaneously. We will try to tell you in detail how to use this application in the article.

First acquaintance with the application

In order to start using Periscope, you need to install it. If you are the owner of a tablet or smartphone, then Google Play will help you. You ? Then welcome to the App Store. It is worth noting that the program is available absolutely free. Download and use.

After you have completed the installation, you need to go through the mandatory registration procedure. In this application it is quite simple. There are two options:

  • via Twitter account;
  • using a phone number.

If you are registered on the Twitter social network, then all that is required is to allow the Periscope application to use your personal data and confirm your existing login and password. If you do not have a Twitter account, then you need to go through the registration procedure there as well. Laziness? Then the second option comes to the rescue. To do this, you just need to indicate your mobile number, and you will receive a confirmation code to log into your account, which you will then need to enter in the appropriate field. But this method also has its drawbacks, since our operators can sometimes block such SMS, regarding them as spam, and then you may simply not receive a message with a code. If this happens, return to the selection menu and carry out the procedure again. After any of the selected authorization options, enter your login with password and user name.

Important: you enter your login only once and it will be impossible to change it, but you can change your password and first and last name at least every day.

Periscope usage details

At the top of the main window on the left, we can see 4 tabs: TV, globe, bulleted list and three people. First you need to fill out your profile. To do this, click on the image of people and a new icon will appear in the right corner. Click on it and be transferred to your personal account. We put a photo on our avatar and tell about ourselves. Below is the number of followers who follow you and who you follow.

The TV tab is the most basic. Later, when you have subscribers, it will display the entire news feed of their posts or live broadcasts for the last 24 hours. Also in this submenu you can start your own broadcast - to do this, click on the camera image in the lower right corner, then come up with a name for the future video, indicate whether it will be visible on the map, and set the viewing privacy. It will be general or for a specific group of users.

The next globe icon takes us to a submenu with maps. A map opens in front of you, on which you can see red circles with numbers. Choose any one and go to “visit” the user in the corner of the country where the ball was located.

By clicking on a bulleted list, you open a feed with live online broadcasts, which are updated quite often.

The image of people in the left corner is a search with which you can find specific users by first and last name or login. Also in this submenu you will be shown your Twitter friends and popular users of the application, which mainly include celebrities.

Dating on Periscope

After we've looked at the application menu in detail, let's look at how to use Periscope as a social network for dating. The main feature of the site will help us with this – online broadcasts.

There are two directions:

  • watching videos of other users;
  • display of live or recorded personal video broadcast.

When watching another user's video, you can write comments and likes, which are displayed as hearts rising up. To do this, simply click on any empty space. The number of likes is not limited.

When you broadcast your own live broadcast, you will receive written comments with questions or suggestions at the bottom of the screen. You can answer them only using your voice, which is quite convenient, since you don’t have to stop writing text.

Basic Rules

As with any application, Periscope has a number of rules that make using this program comfortable. Forbidden:

  • post pornographic and violent videos;
  • humiliate and insult each other;
  • expose confidential information of other users;
  • spam.

In any case, the application developers reserve the final right to publish materials. Also, videos that do not comply with the posting rules may be deleted without warning. Under a number of circumstances, you can lose your account if the application administrators think that you are a persistent violator.

Finally, I would like to note that Periscope is a fairly easy-to-use program that even a child can master. It will be useful not only to avid bloggers who are used to showing off their lives, but also to ordinary users who can learn something new and interesting for themselves or want to know the news first-hand. Try it and maybe you will become one of the 7 million.