How to disable paid subscriptions and services on megaphone. How to disable all paid services and subscriptions on a megaphone Message from number 5151

How to disable paid subscriptions and services on megaphone. How to disable all paid services and subscriptions on a megaphone Message from number 5151

None of us wants to pay twice, and especially no one wants to pay for anything, and especially for a quietly imposed “for nothing.” When using his mobile phone, a person quite reasonably expects that the money spent on communication services will be spent only on what he himself has done:

  • to his calls
  • his SMS,
  • its Internet traffic.

If it happened that money began to be debited from the account regularly, daily and in equal amounts, and the owner of the phone, it would seem, did nothing specifically for this, most likely a paid mobile subscription was issued to his number - read what this is below

Its essence is that the cellular user has somehow agreed to receive regular information for a fee, for example, you received an SMS on your phone from the above number with the text: “send SMS...”. At the same time, information such as: what kind of service, what kind of subscription, what kind of website, the cost of the subscription, how to delete a subscription or how to disable it is often not directly displayed.

Someone, a partner of your operator, called a content provider in professional slang, supplies you with content for a fee:

  • provides information
  • provides a service by providing access to an online game, website, program, etc.

The operator finds himself on the sidelines, as he publicly warns on his website that yes, there is paid content, that it is provided by third-party organizations to which the operator itself has no connection.

No, except that he debits money from the subscriber’s account and he also provides the short number to the content provider.

In most cases, the short four-digit number 5151 is rented out by a mobile operator (Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2), receiving a fee for it, and, as a rule, a percentage of the amounts paid by the owner of the phone in favor of the provider.

SMS to short number 5151

Slightly separate from paid subscriptions is another way of taking money from the population - SMS from short numbers. The nature of the relationship in the triangle user-operator-service provider remains the same, only the amount will be debited from the subscriber one-time in response to an action proposed in such an SMS, for example, participation in events such as: a quiz, survey, social study, game, etc. . P.

Who gets your money

So, it is clear that the user is the loser. In this case, where does the river of benefit flow, i.e. User money? – stated above in general terms. And this, of course, is a simplification that there are only two beneficiaries; in fact, the schemes are many times more complex.

They contain so-called aggregators - wholesale purchasers of short numbers and holders of mutual settlement schemes with telecom operators. The already mentioned content providers are grouped around the aggregators, who own sites where the sale of services is organized and partners who collect and provide the entire scheme with traffic. The setup of this entire cycle of withdrawing subscriber money is being adjusted in such a way that telecom operators, as the last link to the user and payer, remain not guilty from the point of view of the law in most cases when claims are made.


Is there any basis for such claims, strictly speaking? After all, at some point the user voluntarily performed some action that ensured his place as a victim in the chain (relative to the short number 5151). This is precisely the position that telecom operators adhere to when a subscriber, outraged by the loss of money, begins to search for the truth.

The answer is yes, there is

And this is called the federal law of July 23, 2013 N 229-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications”.

In it, Article 2 of the Basic Law is supplemented with subclause 34.1, which defines what “content services” are.

The legislator made this definition as general as possible, practically fitting into it everything that is not the actual connection. Those. if the user using the phone and through the telecom operator’s channels receives, quote,

...reference, entertainment and (or) other additionally paid information...", gets the opportunity "... to participate in voting, games, competitions and similar events...,

Then he, the user, receives a content service. And it, in turn, being provided with the participation of third parties, falls under the addition of paragraph 5 of Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Communications”, which prescribes a mechanism for protecting the consumer by:

  • firstly, the possibility of creating, at his request, a separate account to pay only for content services;
  • secondly, the requirement to obtain explicit consent to receive such services;
  • thirdly, about comprehensive information, including prices and names of suppliers, about these services before obtaining consent.

Another addition, established by 229-FZ, to paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Basic Law, states that services provided in violation of any of the above are not subject to payment. And finally, Article 68 of the main communications law is supplemented by paragraph 8, which directly indicates the operator’s responsibility for the implementation of Article 44 (see above).

Let’s summarize the legislative information, projecting the rights and responsibilities spelled out in it onto the practical side of life.

If the user consciously wants to become a consumer of content services, then you can secure your account for paying for communications by declaring your intention to open a separate content account to cover the costs of mobile subscriptions and SMS from short numbers. If it is exhausted, funds intended for regular conversations and SMS will not be affected.

For telecom operators Beeline and TELE2, this action is automated and is carried out by sending a USSD request, *110*5062# and *160#, respectively. Sets of commands are also provided for replenishment and checking the balance.

Megafon and MTS require a personal appearance at the office and presentation of a passport, and one must understand that regardless of the method of expression of will, the very fact of opening an account confirms voluntary consent to receive content services, and strictly speaking makes it unnecessary to inform about the details (in including price) of the same mobile subscription.

How to return money from number 5151

If it does happen that an inexplicable loss of money from a mobile account is discovered, you need to try to remember if you received any annoying SMS message from number 5151, for example, with an offer to find out the most accurate weather forecast or check your watch with the London Observatory?

Wasn't the answer "yes" sent to him?

Or maybe, in the heat of Internet surfing, a phone number was entered to obtain a registration code on some little-known but attractive resource?

Services for checking the availability of paid services on number 5151

In order not to speculate, you need to use the service (and every operator has one) to inform you about the availability of paid services tied to your number, including subscriptions to number 5151

The most informative is access through the web interface of your personal account, and in the absence of the Internet or the desire to use it, the good old USSD request will help.

Megafon - *583#, Beeline - *110*09#, MTS will inform you about this by command *111*919#, TELE2 - *189#

If the acquired knowledge shows that there are subscriptions, and money is quickly debited from the account because of this, you should not hesitate. Using the same tools, you need to disable the subscription, and the debiting of money will stop.

This is done using your personal account and personal assistance services by calling the support service. The USSD commands indicated here will also allow you to select the desired command - “disable”.

Also, a quick cure for a paid subscription, when the user receives an SMS about activating this service, will be a response message consisting of the word stop (or STOP).

Refund of spent funds

Losing money on an unnecessary paid subscription, by accident, through negligence or ignorance, and even more so due to someone’s selfish intent, will certainly prompt the restoration of justice. I want to get back what was lost because of number 5151, but that’s the difficulty. As already mentioned, from the point of view of the operator, namely, we pay him, and it is to him we will go with a claim, the user himself, voluntarily, even if not consciously, but voluntarily performed the actions that led to the activation of the paid subscription, and, as a result, to write off funds.

Therefore, they are unlikely to return the money voluntarily, without a fight. And in view of the fact that the burden of proving compliance or non-compliance with the same Federal Law No. 229 lies on the party making a claim for the loss incurred, you need to understand what can be stated as evidence. It’s unlikely that any of us keep print screens of every manipulation with the phone, and it’s unlikely that the warning about the paid service is difficult to read because it’s printed in gray font on an even grayer background will serve as a weighty argument.

What has been said, of course, does not mean that there is no need to try, it is absolutely necessary, and the Internet is replete with stories about successful disputes. Sometimes, in order to avoid image losses, in mass cases when the problem of paid subscriptions becomes public knowledge and is discussed on social networks, operators meet halfway and restore the status quo of the wallets of their subscribers who suffered from their ignorance and inattention.

Knowledge is never superfluous, this is an axiom, and this also applies to the security of your own money. Having an idea about the structure of paid subscriptions, including to number 5151, about working short SMS numbers for someone else’s benefit, it is easier to navigate, easier to avoid mistakes, and more likely not to regret the lost money and time. We will be careful when pressing buttons, entering our data and phone numbers, and, for sure, there will be a few fewer disappointments in life associated with mobile communications.

The main reason for regular overspending of the mobile budget is various paid services, most often of an entertainment and information nature. Many of them are connected accidentally, do not provide any benefit to the MegaFon client and significantly increase communication costs. Therefore, you need to know how to disable Megafon subscriptions in your Personal Account.

In the article:

The mobile assistant site will tell you in detail how to unsubscribe from your MegaFon Personal Account and quickly register in the online self-service service on the operator’s website. We will also describe alternative algorithms for disabling unnecessary services and content using:

  • USSD command requests;
  • service SMS messages;
  • call the operator.

Let's look at each method in detail so that you can choose the best option for optimizing expenses on your personal phone account.

What is MegaFon Personal Account

This online service is an individual client page on the official MegaFon website, which allows the subscriber to independently control and change the settings of his SIM card. The main functional capabilities of LC MegaFon include:

  • tracking and detailing of expenses;
  • replenish your balance in various ways;
  • voluntary blocking/unblocking of a number;
  • viewing the conditions of the current and all tariffs available for activation;
  • switching to another tariff plan;
  • management of bonus points;
  • change phone number;
  • control of package balances;
  • making money transfers and payments, including through linking bank cards;
  • activation and deactivation of services, options, subscriptions, paid content.

But before using the self-service service interface to change the SIM card settings, you need to go through a simple authorization procedure on the provider’s website.

How to register in your Personal Account

  • open the link to the registration form for the service in your browser;
  • indicate your number in the Phone number field in any form convenient for you - via +7 or 8 or simply in a 10-digit format;
  • send a USSD request from your phone * 105 * 00 # to receive a 6-digit secret combination via SMS to enter the client environment;
  • enter the received code in the Password field;
  • Click the Login button.

Please note that sometimes the command prompt is *105*00# , may fail and not send your personal account password to your phone. In such a situation, you should use the alternative combination * 105 * 01 # .

Be sure to take a few minutes to replace the secret six-number combination provided by the operator with a more difficult alphanumeric one to crack.

To do this, in the service menu you must sequentially select the sections Settings, Account and Login Settings. If for some reason you forget the static password you created, once again request a new secret combination via USSD commands * 105 * 00 # or *105*01# . After this, you will have to repeat the procedure for assigning your own alphanumeric code in the Login Settings section. Another quick way to receive a password is an SMS message with the text 00 sent to a special number 000105 .

In addition to the computer version of the Personal Account, the operator offers the MegaFon mobile application, which is available in modifications for Android, Windows Phone and iOS. In order for the utility to function correctly and not disrupt the operation of the OS, installation must be carried out in the main memory of a smartphone or tablet.

How to view and disable subscriptions

To view MegaFon paid subscriptions in your Personal Account and, if necessary, unsubscribe from them, you need to:

  • log in to the self-service service;
  • select the menu item Services;
  • activate section My options and services;
  • view the list of services in the My tab and discard unnecessary ones by clicking the Disable button opposite them.

Please note that there is also a more important tab “ All options and services”, behind which is hidden an extensive list of paid packages. By selecting this section, you can view the list of active services and the amount of the subscription fee that you have to pay for their use.

To cancel paid subscriptions in Megafon’s account, click the Disable button next to each unnecessary option. If you later need to reactivate any of them, just use the button assigned to it Connect.

In the same way, you can remove mobile subscriptions through your Personal Account for smartphones and tablets, since the application interface is similar to a computer online self-service service.

How to turn off My subscriptions from your phone

You can manage the online self-service service without a valid Internet connection. A special voice menu is provided for this * 105 # . After logging into your Personal Account, just use the tips from the informant, who will tell you which sections of the menu are responsible for what:

  • 1 – My account (balance, payments, reports, limit checks);
  • 2 – Tariffs (current, available for connection, transition to a new package);
  • 3 – Services (list of active ones, connection, disconnection);
  • 4 – Options (control, activation, failure);
  • 5 – Bonuses (participation in the loyalty program, bonus balance, reward exchange);
  • 6 – Help (my number, my tariff);
  • 7 – Portal.

In addition, the operator has provided modified USSD commands that allow you to avoid time-consuming listening to answering machine voice messages, and immediately perform the desired action with the number (see table).

USSD command for managing account and services through the Personal Account menu What is it for?
*105*1*1# remaining balance
*105*1*3# connected paid entertainment content
*105*1*3*3# payment information
*105*1*4# last payments
*105*1*4*1*1# order itemized expenses
*105*1*6*3# checking limits
*105*3*1# list of entertainment services and subscriptions
*105*3*4# MMS, GPRS Internet, WAP settings
*105*5*1# bonus balance
*105*503# all paid services
*105*6*1# my phone number

You can also check the availability of paid packages and content on your phone using the combination * 505 # . Please note that in response to sending a USSD request, the operator will send a message with a detailed list of services and instructions for removing them.

But it is also possible that only the names of paid options will be indicated in the list. This situation is typical for My subscriptions, which were connected after visiting special information and entertainment services of the operator and its partners. It is quite problematic to refuse these services, since they use a special SMS service with the number 5151 .

How to disable Megafon subscriptions through your Personal Account

To cancel paid services of information and entertainment services of the provider, the same algorithm is used using the “My Subscriptions” section of the personal account. If there are no active subscriptions in the service list, and money continues to be debited from the balance regularly, you must request detailed information about expenses using the Personal Account item “ Statistics and details”. You can also find out the name of the service using a USSD request * 505 * 0 * 3273 # .

An SMS message with the text STOP sent to numbers 5051 is consistently effective. or 5151 , which are assigned to the My Subscriptions entertainment services.

In response to this action, you will receive an SMS, which will indicate active services and SMS commands to disable them. Let's give an example of canceling the popular My subscriptions from the Megafon website. (see table)

Name Purpose Price SMS to refuse entertaining video 40 rub/day STOP 643 at 5151 culinary recipes 30 rub/day STOP 516 at 5151 web downloading files 30 rub/day STOP 632 at 5151 Online Games 30 rub/day STOP 644 at 5151 file hosting 35 rub/day STOP 830 at 5151 horoscope 30 rub/day STOP 521 to 5151 online music 35 rub/day STOP 1305 at 5151 news portal 35 rub/day STOP 1340 to 5151 dream book and horoscope 30 rub/day STOP 474 at 5151 entertainment content 35 rub/day STOP 885 at 5151 meeting website 30 rub/day STOP 1142 at 5151 women's magazine 30 rub/day STOP 685 at 5151 discounts and coupons for purchases 30 rub/day STOP 7347 at 5151 virtual entertainment 20 rub/day STOP 7581 at 5151 job search 20 rub/day STOP 7634 at 5151
Unlimited SMS chat unlimited communication via SMS 5 rub/day STOP 9219 at 5151
Hits from chanson online music 3 rub/day STOP 91105 at 5151
Best jokes entertainment portal 5 rub/day STOP 10514 at 5151

As you have seen, the cost of options is very high, which immediately affects the significant overexpenditure of the mobile budget. If you find paid content in the form of an infotainment web resource, use SMS from our table to disable it.

How to disable mobile subscriptions by call

An equally effective way to refuse unnecessary options and services is to call the subscriber support center from a MegaFon mobile phone using a single number 0500 . Here you can use a virtual assistant or voice command I want to contact the operator to connect directly with a live consultant.

For calls from Megafon mobile phones and other operators or landline phones, use the universal toll-free number 8 800 550 05 00 . If you need to connect to a call center while roaming, you should use a separate number +7 926 111 05 00 , which is free to call from anywhere in the world.

You can also disconnect My subscriptions from MegaFon at the nearest provider office. Here you should take into account the need to provide a passport to undergo the procedure for identifying the owner of the SIM card.


Internet assistant hopes that our article on how to view and disable paid MegaFon packages in your Personal Account was useful and helped to successfully solve the problem that arose with excessive spending on paying for mobile services. To better assimilate and consolidate the material you read, be sure to watch the video review on this topic.

Video: how to disable mobile subscriptions in MegaFon account

To conclude the review, we would like to tell you how to view and disable subscriptions by directly changing the SIM card settings. To do this, you need to sequentially go to the device menu, activate the MegaFon Pro section, open “SIM cards”, go to the subscriptions item and cancel unnecessary ones by ordering an SMS message with instructions to remove them.

Subscriptions to entertainment services are the real bane of all subscribers of any operator. Every subscriber has had their money debited at least once in their life, and then it turned out that they had subscribed to some kind of subscription worth 20-30 rubles a day. Sometimes the operator returns the money following a claim, and sometimes refuses.

Previously, there was no supervision over these services; the connection was completely uncontrolled and without any notifications. The growing number of complaints to supervisory authorities has obligated operators to configure these services in such a way as to minimize unknowing connection. In this article we will figure out how to disable subscriptions on MegaFon, what methods are available and how to protect your number from attacks by content providers.

A little about MegaFon subscriptions

Subscription is possible in the following channels:
  • via ussd request;
  • via SMS;
  • on a WAP site;
  • on the WEB site;
  • via IVR.
The subscription is activated automatically, and it is valid until the subscriber disconnects it, debiting money daily.
All subscriptions can be divided into own and partner ones. Own ones are MegaFon subscriptions such as “Weather”, “News”, “Currency Rates” and so on. Affiliate subscriptions are most often a code for providing access to a closed part of the site or for downloading content.

Notifications for your own subscriptions come via SMS. Unconscious connection is practically impossible. But subscriptions of MegaFon partners are connected automatically. Supervisory authorities have required that each connection be accompanied by a so-called AoC. AoC is an informational message that must be communicated to the subscriber before turning on the service. AoC contains information about the name of the subscription, cost, disconnect command, name of the content provider, type of account from which the debit will occur (main or content). Well thought out, but quite often it doesn't work correctly.

How to connect an affiliate subscription

Subscription connection schemes on third-party sites are varied. We invite you to familiarize yourself with one of the options for connecting an affiliate subscription using the example of a site with music content.

The subscriber types “download music” or “listen to music” in a search engine from a phone or PC. Selects a site from the options offered by the search engine and follows the link to it. For example, .

A window opens asking you to download or listen to music.

You are automatically redirected to the subscription site (see address bar).
The website contains information about the cost of subscription.

After clicking on the “Listen” or “Download” button, a subscription is completed.

The subscriber is given access to the site to download and listen to music.

After subscribing, an SMS notification is sent to your phone from the number 5151.

AoC worked - the SMS arrived, there are shutdown commands, all conditions are met. Where's the catch? The catch is at the moment when the subscriber does not see the text in small letters on the site and signs up for access to downloading. As a result, 20 rubles. He's already lost for sure. If you do not disable the service immediately, then 20 rubles will be debited on a daily basis. Let's now consider all the ways to disable subscriptions.

Disabling subscriptions via USSD request

This method is not suitable for all subscriptions. For the website subscription described above, the USSD deactivation code is indicated in the SMS *505*0*5744#. Such commands are not available for all subscriptions - ussd on/off codes are provided only for MegaFon’s own subscriptions.

The operator has developed a special website that contains information on all entertainment services. If you know the name, then on this site you can easily find subscriptions from MegaFon itself or third-party content providers.

Disabling subscriptions via SMS

MegaFon has one single number, 5151, through which you can disable any subscription. To disconnect, you will need to send the word STOP and the subscription code to this number. In our version, the subscription code is the last 4 digits in the ussd request *505*0*5744#. To disable your subscription to the site, you need to send an SMS to 5151 with the text “STOP 5744”.

Disabling subscriptions in Megafon's Personal Account and using the Megafon application

The operator made sure that subscriptions could be disabled independently using the self-service services personal account and the MegaFon mobile application.

In the WEB version of the personal account, deactivation is performed in the section "Services and options". For example, a free subscription is active on the number (! there are such things) "MegaFon.News". To disable it, just click the corresponding button and confirm your intention:

Disabling is done in the same way in the mobile application:

Disconnection by calling the operator

If you are unable to disable the subscription yourself, contact your operator at 0500 (or 8-800-550-0500). The operator can disable your subscription and give you a free 3-month ban on using entertainment services.

Employees can also help with disconnection "MegaFon-Retail". The office has an additional opportunity to write an application to connect to a special free content account. It protects against subscriptions by 99%. This is a separate personal account for paying for content services. If it has 0 rubles, then the subscription cannot connect.

Disabling in the SIM menu

This is another way to disable subscriptions. Find the “SIM menu” or “SIM programs” item in your phone. Click on “MegaFon” - "MegaFon Services"- “My subscriptions”. The system can show the presence of subscriptions, or it can direct you to your personal account, as in the example below:

We talked about what subscriptions are and where they come from, and figured out how to disable them. We hope that our review will be useful for you and save you a lot of money. We wish you pleasant communication on the MegaFon network!

Good afternoon

These are special commands for Megafon subscribers; they allow you to temporarily disable the ability to connect certain types of paid subscriptions. I’ll say right away that these methods of dealing with paid subscriptions do not guarantee 100% protection from paid content. But first things first.

Detailed description of commands to number 5151

  • USTZAPRET1- Establishes a ban on the “Mobile subscriptions” service for a period of 3 months. We are talking about “classic” subscriptions that can be accidentally activated if you act carelessly;
  • USTPBK1- establishes a ban on the service “Access to infotainment services when clicking on URL links” for a period of 3 months. These are the same mobile subscriptions, but you can “accidentally” activate them simply by following a scam link;
  • NETCLICK1- establishes a ban on connecting short number services (regarding the use of WEB requests). This is another type of “random connection” of paid subscriptions when browsing sites;
  • USTZAPRETSP- Establishes a ban on Megafon’s own paid subscriptions.
  • Paid subscriptions to Megafon: How to get rid of them once and for all?
  • Commands must be sent one at a time to number 5151 and wait for a response SMS about disabling services (see screenshot above).

    Disadvantages of the commands USTZAPRET1, USTPBK1 and NETCLICK1

    Unfortunately, these commands disable content services only for 3 months, after which they must be sent again to number 5151. But their main drawback is that they do not always work. That is, you can subscribe to a paid subscription, even if you have all possible restrictions set. In this case, the Megafon contact center will tell you that a technical failure has occurred.

    How to get rid of mobile subscriptions in Megafon once and for all

    The only way to once and for all get rid of mobile subscriptions and other paid crap imposed on us by mobile operators is to connect a separate “content account”. Read more about such an account in our articles.

    Many MegaFon subscribers are faced with the fact that money begins to disappear from their accounts. This is due to the fact that the number has subscriptions of various types, for which fees are charged every day, week or month. In this article I will tell you what a 5151 subscription is on Megafon and how the user can disable it himself.

    The operator does not have the right to activate paid subscriptions without permission, although many people claim that they haven’t activated anything, but the service appears. Usually, without even noticing, subscribers themselves perform actions confirming the connection of the paid option to Megafon or MTS. In what situations does this happen?

    Therefore, when downloading data, you need to be extremely careful, do not visit suspicious sites and read the information on them to the end.

    What is subscription 5151?

    Although, in order to activate paid subscriptions, the user’s prior consent is required, even if involuntary. But often a MegaFon subscriber receives an SMS of the following nature:

    “You have activated service XXXXX and to disable it, send the command STOP 1234 to number 5151 via SMS.”

    XXXXX is the name of the option, for example, “access to the site and its address,” and 1234 is the service deactivation code.

    That is, the service is already active, and if the subscriber wishes, he can disable it. Basically, such subscriptions are of an entertainment nature: horoscopes, psychology tests, recipes, music, ready-made homework, erotic content and much more.

    This is what concerns MegaFon's own subscriptions. In addition, users are also provided with affiliate subscriptions, which are activated when visiting certain sites. (The full catalog of services is available on the Mobile Subscriptions website). As a result, a subscriber who did not voluntarily activate these options uncontrollably loses money when paying for them. Therefore, when you receive an SMS about activating services, you must immediately disable them. How to do this will be discussed further.

    How to disable subscription 5151

    Before you disable paid services, you need to check their availability. Depending on the subscription deactivation method chosen by the user, this can be done in one of the following ways:

    • via personal account (personal account);
    • via USSD request;
    • when working with an application installed on mobile gadgets;
    • by sending SMS.

    Using your personal account

    1. Log in via your PC to your Megafon personal account.
    2. View the Services and Options tab.
    3. If there are unnecessary services in the list, click on the “Disable” button opposite each of them.

    “Services and options”, “My” tab

    Sending a USSD request

    If it’s easier for you to dial USSD commands, then to check your connected subscriptions, dial *505# and send a call. In the response message you will see that all information is available in your personal account.

    Message in response to request *505#

    Codes can also be viewed in the “Own Services” tab on the “Mobile Subscriptions” website. The required code should be entered in the USSD request instead of ХХХХ – *505*0*ХХХХ# and press the call key. The same tab also contains codes for USSD subscriptions and unsubscriptions.

    MegaFon's own services

    Working with the mobile application

    In Google Play, Windows Store and App Store there is an application for mobile gadgets “MegaFon” Personal Account”. An easy and intuitive interface allows each user to independently explore the mobile application. If it is more convenient to use this platform, then you can also disable unnecessary subscriptions there.

    Subscriptions in the mobile application

    Disabling options via SMS

    No opportunity or desire to access the Internet? Use regular SMS. Send an SMS to 5151 or 5051 with one of the words: “Stop”, “Unsubscribe”, Stop, “Opt”, “No”, No.

    An SMS will be sent in response with the following information:

    • all active paid and free subscriptions;
    • codes of connected options;
    • instructions for deactivating them.

    After this, you will need to send another SMS to number 5151 with the text: “STOP XXXX”, where XXXX is the subscription code taken from the Mobile Subscriptions website or from the operator’s message.

    Prohibit your operator from connecting you to mobile subscriptions. To do this, send the text “STABILITY 1” to 5151. However, this ban is valid for only three months, after which the information must be updated, and applies only to a certain type of service. For example, if you prohibit connecting mobile subscriptions, this will not prevent MegaFon from activating your access to services that provide information or entertainment. Or you can easily activate the option yourself when you follow affiliate URL links. Therefore, be careful and immediately take any of the methods so that your money and nerves are not wasted.

    In contact with