The VK page is not working. VKontakte does not open. Unofficial apps are more flexible

The VK page is not working.  VKontakte does not open.  Unofficial apps are more flexible
The VK page is not working. VKontakte does not open. Unofficial apps are more flexible

Hello, dear visitors! VKontakte does not open for you? Do you want to know why the contact is not opening? Then you have come to the right page! In this post we will tell you why the contact does not open and what can be done about this problem.

In fact, the reasons are most likely a virus, so we will try to tell you how to deal with viruses that prevent the contact page from opening. What to do if VKontakte does not open? Find out right now why VKontakte won’t open and what to do in such a situation!

Why doesn't Contact open?

The main reason why VKontakte does not open is viruses. It is because of their tricks that sites stop working. Social networks and websites are mostly affected. However, the problem most likely lies in one small file, which we will now find. Perhaps he will help answer the question of why the contact is not opening.

So, you need to go to the Windows system directory using the following path (the Windows directory is usually located on drive “C”):


Have you moved on? If yes, then the following picture opens before us:

As you can see, the file is called hosts. That will need to be checked. To do this, we need to open Notepad, which we need to run as administrator. We hope there will be no difficulties with this, just look at the following picture.

After launching notepad as administrator, you need to find it in the path we gave above. The following screenshot demonstrates this clearly:

But if the contact does not open, then the following lines are most likely added to the file:

Moreover, if you don’t see anything like this, and the page in the contact does not open, then perhaps the virus has written its data below, as shown in the following picture:

As you understand, if the VKontakte website does not open, then you need to check the entire file. Next, let's move on to countermeasures in the fight against the virus. Even if you fix the HOSTS file, you need to remove the virus itself. To do this, you need to use antivirus software, links to which can be found on our page.

We hope that the instructions were useful and helped to find out why the VKontakte website does not open. That's all. If my VKontakte page does not open, describe the steps you took and describe the problem in the comments.

What to do if the VKontakte (contact) website does not work (does not open)? There are several ways to solve this problem. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the cause of the problem with logging into this social network.

The most common reason for the inability to log into Contact is a virus entering the computer and a failure in the settings that causes the problem of logging into this site. However, first of all, you should check your Internet connection and see if other websites are loading.

Why Contact doesn't work - probable reasons

Any user of a social network, sooner or later, may encounter the fact that my contact page does not open. There can be many reasons for this, some can be resolved quickly, in other cases it will take some time and more advanced computer knowledge.

In addition to accidental technical problems, there may also be deliberate actions of third-party programs or scripts running on accidentally opened Internet sites. Such programs make system changes to important areas of the computer that are responsible for connecting network pages to the system.

Let's try to figure out step by step why the contact is not working:

1 . Internet connection problems

  1. If your computer cannot access the VKontakte website, you should check the status of your Internet connection and make sure that the network is accessible, opening any other sites. Having determined that the connection has been established, and the traffic used ensures the loading of Internet pages, and my VKontakte website page is not working, we will consider the following probable reasons.
  2. It also happens that problems are related to the router itself. To eliminate this possibility, you need to turn off your router for more than 3 minutes. – the modem’s temporary parameters will be reset and the IP address will be changed (very often providers distribute a dynamic IP address, depending on the moment of connection). It is also recommended to restart your computer.

2. The problem is in the browser itself

There are very common cases when the contact page (VK) does not open due to a browser failure.

  • It may be that a corrupted copy of the site template (cache) is saved, and upon further opening, distorted page details are loaded from temporary files. You can solve this problem by simultaneously pressing the “ Ctrl+F5“, after this the page cache will be completely updated.
  • You can also open my Contact page in another browser(if you don’t have another browser on your computer, you can download it from the link on the page)
  • In frequent cases it helps cleaning your computer from debris special programs, while temporary files are cleared and fragments of previous activity of operating system programs are deleted. One of the most popular cleaning programs is CCleaner - download link and brief instructions in the article.

3. Antivirus scan

Another way to solve the problem with Contact not working is to scan your computer for harmful viruses. You should do a full scan of the system, while allowing the removal of infected files found by the antivirus program.

  • In addition to the standard antivirus, we recommend checking with a special healing utility. These utilities work precisely in this direction and today have a large database of viruses that make malicious changes to system files designed to connect the computer to sites. Their installation has temporary in nature, downloaded unpacked in case of inspection. While standard antiviruses can detect nothing.
  • If you don't have an antivirus installed on your computer, be sure to install it. You can use free versions of Kaspersky, Panda, AVAST, Avira, AVG or free antivirus Microsoft, download links on page.

4 . Redirect to another IP address

  • Frequently occurring cases of problems with popular social networks are deliberate malicious changes to the site’s IP address and redirections to another. You can find out by typing, for example, in the browser instead of address or by entering it IP address(you can find out the IP address on the Internet, for example on 2ip - see in the picture below). Perhaps the phishing program has set a trap for just one specific method of entering the name of a website.

  • Enter the received address into the address bar of the browser and press enter
  • If as a result the VKontakte page will open, this means the virus has made changes to the system files of the computer and redirects to another ip address.
  • In the case when the VKontakte site still does not open, the existing redirection, unfortunately, cannot be determined for sure either, since viral changes can redirect all transitions, since every day the creators of such viral schemes improve their skills. We need to understand further.

Such changes can redirect to pages that are duplicates of the social network site, outwardly indistinguishable from the original, and the user may not immediately determine this, follow the suggested instructions for restoring the page (this is the most likely), or simply re-enter his data (login and password). As a result, you can lose money on your phone account or your own account, or maybe all together. At the moment, unfortunately, protection against such fraudulent activities Even an antivirus program does not provide complete protection.

5. VKontakte does not open due to changes made to the Hosts file

If you cannot enter a certain page on the Internet, and especially a social network, the ban on entry is most likely contained in the hosts file located on your computer. You can find this file to check whether the problems with VKontakte not working are related to it by going to: C:\ Windows\System32\drivers\etc V OS (for windows xp, 7, 8, 10).

  • Open the above file using Notepad (in our case, the default notepad is Notepad):

  • The information that appears will allow you to determine why Contact or other sites do not open:

Here is a standard page that does not prohibit access to any sites. If below you see the address of a site that you cannot access or the IP of this site, this means that your problem is related to the hosts file, which contains a list of corresponding IP addresses and domain names. If an incorrect IP address – domain pair is entered, then there will be a problem with logging into the VKontakte website. By typing the address, you are taken not to this site, but to another one - empty or fake.

  • You can get rid of the above problem by deleting all unnecessary references in this file, as shown in the example of the changes made. Ideally, this file should look like the picture we provided (in the previous one).
  • The situation with this file can be even more complicated if the virus created a fake hosts file and specified the system path to it. In this case, attempts to view and clean the file at the specified address will lead to nothing, since it is not active. To solve this case, read the article for more details.
  • If you cannot save this file after making the changes, then read the article.

6. Automatic recovery of system and file entries

If you are afraid to make any changes to the system files, you can try to restore the system to the moment when you were able to access the site you need without problems. To do this you must enter the menu “ Start” -> “Control Panel” and select “ Recovery»:

  • Next, you should select the option to restore your computer without deleting files from it.
  • By following all the steps described above, you will most likely get rid of the problem with a not working Contact.

7. DNS connection internet connection

Install DNS internet connections by default, then check with technical support whether the installed DNS matches those used by your provider. When a virus is introduced into the DNS, the computer stops accessing certain places and, as a result, the website (VK) does not work. After restoring it, the problem disappears.

8 . Reinstalling the operating system

If none of the above manipulations helped you solve the problem of logging into Contact, try reinstalling your operating system. You can do this from the version built into your PC, from the Internet or from a disk. But keep in mind that this method is drastic, so it should be used as a last resort.

Blocking by the administration at work or study

Don't be surprised if the social network doesn't open from your work or school computer. It is most likely impossible to log into the social network due to the fact that the entrance was blocked by the system administrator, who can only be deceived by using anonymizer sites (in the article). Keeping employees from being distracted while working is a task for which he is paid.

The account was blocked by site administrators

Other reasons why my VKontakte page does not open:

  • If you can't log into a social network, try doing it through someone else's computer. Once logged into your account, change your password.
  • Solve any problems that arise only yourself or by contacting

Have you been registered on the popular social network VKontakte for a long time or have you just recently registered? In fact, this does not matter, because absolutely any user can encounter a problem on VKontakte. Moreover, solving this problem can be quite difficult, since the reason why it is impossible to get to your page can be not only a forgotten password.

Who is guilty?

The main reasons why VKontakte does not open are the actions of attackers. The Windows operating system has a special software. Fraudsters create various viruses and so-called ones that, attacking your computer, change the component of the mentioned file by writing other command lines.

As a result, an unsuspecting user tries, as usual, to access his page and sees the VKontakte splash screen asking him to repeat the login and password. The fact is that the site you get to when you change the program file is not real. It's just very similar to the original, but if you look closely you can see the difference.

However, few social network users, faced with such a problem, will immediately think about a “criminal” substitution. The most unpleasant thing is that all the actions of the attackers lead to the fact that you are asked to send a supposedly free SMS to a short number in order to make sure that you are still a person and not some kind of bot. And then the following happens: you send an SMS, money for sending is taken from you, but you cannot enter the site. Plus, on top of everything, the scammers also get the login and password for your page. Situation...

Naturally, the user is perplexed why the VKontakte page does not open even after sending an SMS. Don't wait, it won't open anyway. You have fallen for scammers. Now let's take a closer look at what needs to be done to avoid such unpleasant situations.

How to fix errors

The very first thing you need to remember is that the social network is absolutely free, the site administration does not require any money during registration, and even more so will not require paid confirmation in order to recover the password. But if you are faced with a situation where VKontakte does not open, what to do, we will tell you.

You should find host. It is usually located in the program files folder. To find it, you can try following the following path: WINDOWShosts (for Windows 95/98/ME), WINNTsystem32driversetchosts (for Windows NT/2000), WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts (Windows XP/2003/Vista).

The next step will be to delete absolutely all lines that contain the following words:, and the beginning of the entry can be anything, from your IP number to ordinary numbers. After you have cleaned the file, be sure to save the changes you made to it and restart your computer.

Using an antivirus

You can go the other way when VKontakte does not open. If you don't have an antivirus program installed on your computer, be sure to fix this error. You can also download an antivirus program using the Internet (for example, Dr.Web). You can download it in both free and paid versions. To quickly cure your computer from malicious utilities, it is better to use the free method and download the healing program as quickly as possible.

Have you downloaded it? Great! Run a virus scan. The program will detect malicious virus software and quarantine it. After the antivirus has finished running, the computer also needs to be restarted. Now you can try to access the VKontakte website again.

What to do if cleaning the host and antivirus did not help?

It also happens that neither cleaning a program file nor using an antivirus will get rid of the problem in question. In this case, you will have to try the following options.

It is possible that your computer has picked up the svcnost.exe virus. To get rid of it, you will again have to look for the file in the "Documents and" folders. Try using the search to detect malware. Be sure to check the box for

But if the computer does not detect it, try to find it manually. Viruses are sometimes distinguished by very good secrecy, along with keyboard keyloggers (spyware).

The most important thing is to remember that you need to look in the Windows folder. When you find it, delete it immediately, only then be sure to check whether you managed to get rid of it completely. There should be no "Autorun" command left on the command line for this file.

After the final removal, reboot the computer again and try to log into your favorite social network. What, VKontakte still won’t open? Go ahead.

Another virus?

If you did not find the virus you were looking for or, on the contrary, you found it and restarted your computer, but VKontakte still does not open, do not panic. This means that you need to look for another virus called “vkontakte.exe” or “vk.exe”. We will identify it through the "Task Manager".

First, open the “Dispatcher” menu and look at all the processes currently running. We are looking for those that have the name we need. Found it? This means that there is a virus on your computer that does not allow you to access the social network.

What to do if your PC is infected with vkontakte.exe or vk.exe?

Destroy! First you have to find files with this extension. Open “Start”, then “Search”, enter the extensions you are looking for in the search bar, not forgetting to note that you should search for everything and folders.

When the files are found, again, delete them and restart the computer again. And again we try to go to our page.

When the question of why VKontakte does not open has been resolved, be sure to change the password for your page, and even better, for your mailbox. And in the future, to avoid problems like: “I want to go to the VKontakte website, my page does not open!” - be sure to use anti-virus programs.

All malware and Trojans, as a rule, attack a computer that does not have any antivirus software. Therefore, update your installed anti-virus programs on time and do not visit suspicious sites, about which the same anti-virus will definitely warn you. Always check unknown files and programs for viruses before installing them on your computer.

One of the most popular social networks, VKontakte, is very often inaccessible, which causes a lot of indignation among users and makes them nervous and worried. Agree, this is a completely normal human reaction, because over the past few years this social network has become one of the parts of their lives for many - here they communicate, exchange new information about themselves, and also solve questions, such as: “When will they meet? Where? At what time? Who's going to come?" etc. What then should you do if you can’t make contact when it is vitally necessary?!

Reasons why a social network does not work

First, let's look at the possible reasons for the social network not working.

One of the most common reasons is that there is simply no stable Internet connection. Perhaps you did not insert the Internet cable into your computer properly, or perhaps the provider itself had a breakdown (the cable was cut, the switch burned out, there was no electricity, etc.). You may say: “But why then do other pages load?”, the answer is also simple: “They are in the browser’s cache! That is, they take information not via the Internet, but through saved data that remains on the computer.” In addition, the data stream from the provider itself may not be stable, and thus only some web resources that are in the cache will be loaded. When the Internet speed drops (again, this is caused by a problem on the part of the Internet provider), this can also cause the social network to load for a long time. Therefore, think about whether it is correct.

Blocked by the provider. Some providers specifically block access to resources that are included in the list of sites containing information and/or files that violate any law or moral standards. This practice is especially common in the West and America (although more recently in Russia). Sometimes normal sites are blocked by mistake, therefore, by pure chance, can end up on this “black list”. If this is the reason, then in this case you will see a corresponding message stating that this website was blocked by the provider for such and such reasons, or you may simply be redirected to the provider’s home page.

Internet access has become a big problem for companies in recent years. As many company owners note, performance with the advent of the World Wide Web has decreased significantly. Analysts attribute the decline in work activity to widespread access to the Internet, and especially to entertainment sites. At first, employers blocked the work of only instant messengers, since they believed that they were the ones taking up time from employees, but then they switched to websites; naturally, the most popular social network VKontakte was blacklisted. Therefore, if you are trying to make contact from your workplace, do not be surprised if it turns out to be blocked. And in general, be careful with such attempts, perhaps the main computer records how many times and who entered this address, after which this data can be transferred to the boss, who will call you for a not entirely pleasant conversation.

Social networks are not available in the educational institution! Most schools, technical schools, lyceums and universities have long had computer classes with access to the global Internet. However, many students used computers, or rather the Internet, not always for educational purposes. But it is young people who are the most active visitors to social networks, so they very often accessed these networks from computer classes, after which the school management acted in the same way as the directors of enterprises - they forbade visiting such sites and blocked access to such web pages. Therefore, if VKontakte does not work in a school or other educational institution, this means that, most likely, it was blocked and nothing more.

Very often, the reason a contact does not work is related to the contact that has “settled” in your computer. Viruses come in different characters and have different purposes. Sometimes their task is to disconnect you completely from the Internet, thereby forcing you to fulfill some conditions (send an SMS, transfer money to an account, etc.), and sometimes viruses are specially developed for the purpose of blocking your access to the social network VKontakte. Characteristic features of the virus are: failures in the operation of other programs, freezing of the operating system, disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop, the appearance of new files and folders, etc. In general, the operation of a computer can be described as “disobedience” - you give one command, and it carries out another.

You are entering the wrong address for the VKontakte social network. This reason may generally seem funny and absurd, because everyone seems to have entered the address exactly as needed. However, we hasten to disappoint you, every day contact users make hundreds of mistakes when entering the address of this social network and, moreover, this amount does not take into account those who use various programs such as Punto Switcher or a smart browser such as Mazilla FireFox, who can correct the error themselves . Those who, instead of entering the address in the address bar, also do the right thing - use bookmarks, history, or enter the query “VKontakte” into the search engine and follow the first or second link, which they enter either on or on .

Sometimes the reason is other people's machinations. In other words, your computer was “rummaged” by a stranger who configured it (perhaps on purpose, perhaps not) in such a way that now it is simply impossible to get in touch with it. You can configure your computer in this way in several ways: through the “hosts” file, antivirus, browsers, and also through a number of special programs that will deny access to this site. Special craftsmen can even write a small virus program, but an antivirus can easily detect it and neutralize it.

VKontakte is really not accessible! You may not believe it, but sometimes the best servers fail and even such an Internet giant as the social network VKontakte can temporarily stop loading due to power outages in the data center, increased load, technical malfunctions, etc. In addition, planned work is possible to replace equipment or reconfigure the software that ensures the operation of the site and its other services. If the contact is really not available, then it will not work for your friends either, so you can call them and ask about it, you can also log in from a mobile phone (so that the provider is different). And the main indicator that a contact has temporarily stopped working is a message on Twitter, since it is there that from time to time warnings appear that the site is not working and after what period of time the full functionality of the social network will be available again. You can subscribe to their Twitter feed at:

When messages in the VK app on your phone aren't loading or updating, it can look like they're missing, erased, or simply won't load—no access. The dialogs are empty, or new messages do not arrive, the application only shows old ones. Messages are not opened, sent or received. “Update” and the loading icon are constantly displayed, but the dialogs never load. What to do?

A similar situation happens with comments - comments in the group do not open, comments on photos are not visible, and the like. Below are possible solutions to the problem.

Solution 1: Clear message cache

If your smartphone is on Android, you just need to clear the message cache in the VK application settings. Cache is temporary files. Correspondence that has already been downloaded is saved in the cache so that you don’t have to download conversations every time you open them. Sometimes there is a mess in these temporary files, and then the application freezes when you open messages. By clearing the cache, that is, by erasing temporary files, you seem to be helping the application create the cache again.

— Will all messages be deleted then?- No, they won’t be deleted. Clearing the cache will force the application to download them again from the VK server where they are stored.

How to clear the message cache?

After that, try opening the messages again - they should load normally. If nothing changes, try the following solutions. Further in our instructions there are three more of them.

Solution 2: Update the VK application or reinstall it

If your application has not been updated to the latest version, now is the time to do it (on Android - in the Play Store, and on iPhone and iPad - in the App Store). But even if it is updated, completely uninstalling it and installing it again may help. See also:

Solution 3: Check your internet connection

Make sure that other sites open normally (in the browser). If you have mobile Internet and poor reception indoors, try moving to another place. If there is Wi-Fi, connect to it. It also happens the other way around - Wi-Fi is poorly received, but the phone is connected to it and because of this does not use the mobile Internet. In this case, it makes sense to temporarily disable Wi-Fi or that particular access point.

Solution 4: Restart your phone

Turn off your phone and turn it on again or use the reboot function if your phone has one. After the phone reboots, open the VK application and see if anything has changed in the messages section.

We are all already to some extent dependent on social networks, especially VKontakte. And when a network user has a problem opening sites, features of his favorite social network, panic begins. It is impossible not to notice that recently time very often VKontakte does not open. And of course, users have a logical question: “ Why doesn't the site open on VKontakte?»
There are several problems due to which the site does not want to open.

What to do if the VKontakte page does not open?

HOSTS file

The most common problem is the vulnerability of the system HOSTS file, which is responsible for converting domain names to IP addresses. Its vulnerability is due to the fact that it is constantly attacked by viruses. As a result of such attacks, additional entries (extra), “registered” non-existent addresses to domains are formed in the file.

To solve the problem you should:

Site blocking

Blocking the site by malware is the second reason why the VKontakte site does not open. To solve the problem, find the files vkontakte.exe or svc.exe and delete them.

Before starting the search, do not forget to check the boxes everywhere in the search parameters (in hidden files and system folders, etc.).


Sometimes some glitch prevents you from logging into your favorite social network, so just try logging into the site via the domain. Sometimes this method helps solve the problem.


  • What is not advisable, and one might even say contraindicated, is downloading special programs for VKontakte, for example, to view personal messages, private pages, and other things. They often contain a virus that can lead to a computer crash and the inability to visit websites.
  • Also remember that after each method to open access, you should restart your computer!

To summarize all of the above, I would also like to note that sometimes the site carries out technical work due to which it is impossible to visit the site. In this case, you need to wait some time. If you still can’t access the site, then most likely the problem is a virus.

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

You have some free time, and as usual, you decide to stick to VKontakte. You come in and try to log in: access is denied - VK doesn’t work. Or another situation: we have passed authorization, but everything works so slowly that from the outside it seems that it is not working at all. Why VK does not load and what to do about it - we will tell you further.

Having become accustomed to the constant presence of a social network in one’s life, its absence or problems in work are felt especially acutely. This recently affected Ukrainian users: the authorities banned mobile operators and providers from providing access to Vkontakte (in Russia there is a similar problem with Telegram). The blocking is bypassed using a VPN, so there would be a desire.

In other cases, the reason why VK does not work lies in one of the points described below.

Types of errors

The following types of errors are distinguished:

  1. Problem with VKontakte servers: nothing loads or loads poorly, authorization is impossible.
  2. When logging in, the VK start page requests information from a paid SMS - you have become the owner of a ransomware virus. Where there is one SMS, there are 10, and the mobile balance is not rubber.
  3. Malicious applications have filled the hosts file, hence the inability to log into your account.
  4. Browser cache is full. Sometimes the viewer itself reacts to changes and produces a bunch of squiggles and the text “Clean cash and restart your browser”.
  5. Antivirus software blocked the social networking site.
  6. Problems on the provider's side.

VK is not working now 2020

The social network VKontakte is the same Internet resource as other sites. The peculiarity is the huge influx of visitors, creating a crazy load on the servers that ensure uninterrupted operation. It would be nice if everyone was peacefully scrolling through their feed, but we upload photos, watch videos, send messages and perform many actions, loading the servers to the fullest.

In February 2020, the Internet was full of news reports that VKontakte servers were down: many users were denied access to the application and the full version of the site. Troubleshooting takes time: as a rule, VK specialists can handle it on the same day, but it all depends on the situation.

Solution: Enter the search query “VKontakte is not working now 2020” and read the news - they will definitely write there if the servers are down. Please be patient - the social network team will try to get things working as soon as possible - this is, first of all, in their interests.

Why doesn't VK load?

We opened the browser and first of all went to the social network, but the site did not open. We refreshed the page several times, restarted Chrome or Opera (whatever you're using) - no result.

Solution: Look carefully at the date and remember if it’s time to pay for the Internet. Isn't it time yet? Dial the provider's technical support number and check if there are any problems with the connection. Perhaps you are not the only subscriber with a similar problem and there are problems with the company’s equipment (line break, system failure, you never know).

VK application does not work

The VKontakte application is on most users' phones - a convenient way to always stay in touch. Developers periodically release improved versions, introducing new features and adding new restrictions. An outdated version causes problems in the operation of the social network.

Solution: If you have problems with the application, update it to the latest version or uninstall it and install it again. Pop-up tips on smartphone screens notify you about the possibility of updating VK, but you can find out about the available version in the Play Market or App Store. You can download it there.

VK does not work on the computer

The influence of viruses and the work of anti-virus software on smartphones is not very noticeable - on a computer things are different. You won't get far without a working antivirus program: malware and files attack and infect the system, steal personal data and extort money in exchange for access to sites. This ransomware virus periodically pops up when working with VK, requiring you to send a message to a short number. Remember: no need to send SMS upon login, unless you forgot your password (login) and are trying to restore the page.

Solution: The best way out of the situation is to reinstall the system and change the antivirus that missed the threat.

The antivirus program works too well, so social networking sites that use cookies end up under the influence of protective screens - the program makes them inaccessible, considering them dangerous.


  • Test your guess by turning off the screens and launching the site.
  • If the problem disappears, reactivate the antivirus (you cannot leave your PC unprotected).
  • Go to Settings and add the VK site to the list of exceptions. This way, the antivirus will continue to work, but restrictions will not apply to the social network.
  • Carefully monitor what links you open, what applications you install for VKontakte - they can threaten the security of your computer, and since the antivirus will not work on the site, there is a threat of virus infection.

What to do if VK does not work

Go to the main page of VKontakte and see a message about blocking the site or a requirement to send a message to one of the offered numbers? Yesterday everything was fine, but today VKontakte is not working? The hosts file located in system information has probably been modified and needs to be checked.


  1. Go to My Computer and open Local Disk C. Then follow the path Windows\System32\drivers\etc. There will be several files in the folder, find hosts.
  2. We went to the desired folder, but did not find the file. It may be hidden. Displaying hidden files for operating systems Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 is disclosed below.
  3. Select the file and open it using Notepad.
  4. If there are a lot of letters and characters, erase everything except the line localhost.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Restart your computer or laptop.
  7. Log in to your account to check.
  8. After logging in, change your password (come up with a more complex one and write it down so you don’t forget).

What to do if VK does not load, but the Internet works

There remains the last reason for possible problems with VK - temporary files accumulated in the browser, slowing down its operation and limiting access to sites.

Solution: Clear the cache of the browser you are using. In the settings there is an item “Delete temporary files” or something similar - it’s different for each browser. Select it, the process may take about a minute. Restart your browser and try logging in again.

If a couple of hours ago you were scrolling through the news feed, listening to music and watching videos, and now VKontakte is not working, you don’t have to immediately try all the suggested options, including reinstalling Windows in desperate attempts to gain access to the social network. Wait a little: if the problem is on the VK side, it will be resolved soon. If after a couple of hours VK does not load, contact your provider, and only after that start manipulating the computer. This does not apply to clearing the cache - the procedure is useful at any time.

Social network users want to always stay connected from a smartphone or desktop PC. A lot of negative emotions arise when a user clicks on a link, but VKontakte does not open. In such a situation, there is no opportunity to continue communicating with friends, watch videos, listen to music, etc. If VK does not work in the Yandex browser, you must first find out the cause of the problems and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

Negative factors that negatively affect the functioning of the social network:

  • Problems with the server itself.
  • Saving the wrong domain name.
  • Blocking by antivirus or ad blocker.

There are a number of other problems due to which the application does not function normally. They should be considered separately so that they can be corrected when they appear.

You should start troubleshooting when your stories are not loading and you have problems logging in.


Malware often negatively affects the functioning of a social network. This problem is not difficult to deal with. You need to run an antivirus and remove problematic folders from your computer. To avoid infecting your PC or smartphone with viruses, it is recommended to install and activate an antivirus program and scan all files before downloading.

HOSTS file

A lot of errors are created by the HOSTS file, which is responsible for the process of converting a domain name to an IP address. This is due to viruses that provoke the appearance of new entries to an existing site name.

Follow the step by step guide:

  1. Go to the system folder with system32.
  2. Find and open HOSTS using a standard notepad.
  3. We delete the line

After cleaning the PC from unnecessary information, as a rule, the program starts to launch. If the actions taken did not eliminate the problem, then the reason is different.


The most common cause of problems accessing a social network is a clogged cache in the browser. To fix the problem, just clear your cookies and cache:

  • Go to “Settings” in the “Advanced” section.
  • Go to the item “Protection of personal information”.
  • Click on “Content Settings” and “Cookies”.

It is advisable to remove all unnecessary information. The average user does not need such data, because they provide absolutely no benefit. After reloading the browser, the system begins to function without problems.

What to do?

It is difficult to determine on your own why VK does not work in the Yandex browser. If the shortcut does not open, you need to disable the ad blocker or reinstall the application. If the problems are not resolved, then you should clean your PC from viruses, look at the HOSTS file or delete cookies.