Browse CMS by category. Main characteristics of CMS Service CMS Magazine

Browse CMS by category.  Main characteristics of CMS Service CMS Magazine
Browse CMS by category. Main characteristics of CMS Service CMS Magazine

The main characteristics of a content management system are as follows:

  • - Automated templates. Create standard display templates that can be automatically applied to new or existing content, allowing you to change the appearance of all content from one central location.
  • - Access control. Some web content management systems (WCMS) support consumer groups. These groups allow you to control how registered users interact with the site.

Access to a page on the site may be limited to one or more groups. This means that some users may be denied access to the page.

  • - Extensibility. Most modern WCMS have the ability to expand depending on the server settings. WCMS can create microsites and web portals within the main site.
  • - Easy content editing. Once the content is separated from the visual presentation of the site, it can usually be edited and manipulated much easier and faster.

Most WCMS include visual editing tools (WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get), allowing non-technical users to create and edit content.

  • - Scalable features. Most WCMS include plugins or modules that can be easily installed to extend the functionality of an existing website.
  • - Update web standards. Active WCMSs typically receive regular updates that include new features and keep the system up to date with current web standards.
  • - Workflow management. A cycle of sequential and parallel tasks is created that must be completed in the CMS. For example, one or more journalists may submit a story, but it will not be published until the editor approves it.
  • - Cooperation. CMS software can act as a collaboration platform, allowing one or more authorized users to collaborate on content. Changes can be tracked and allowed to be published, or they can be ignored and reverted to older versions.
  • - Authorization. Some CMSs allow different groups of users to have limited rights over specific site content and different responsibilities for managing the content.
  • - Document management. CMS software can provide the means to collaboratively manage the document lifecycle from creation, review, publication, archiving to destruction.
  • -Content virtualization. CMS can provide a tool that allows any user to work in a virtual copy of the site.
  • - Content distribution. Content management systems often facilitate content distribution by generating RSS and Atom data feeds to other systems.
  • - Multilingual. Ability to display content in multiple languages.
  • - Versions. CMS software can save different versions of documents, allowing authorized editors to retrieve previous versions of a site and continue working from that location.

Content management system (CMS) is an information system or computer program that is used to organize the collaborative process of creating, editing and managing content and allows the average user to create any Internet projects. Using the visual tools provided by the system, you can create interactive website pages and change their content.

CMS provides users with a wide range of services: creating materials, photo galleries, guest books, blogs, adding phone numbers, maps, scientific data, and so on.

Currently, there are many different CMS, each of which has certain system requirements, both for hosting and for the web server. Most CMS are developed in PHP and contain a free MySQL database.

The analytical portal of the web development market CMS Magazine as of April 2014 contains 773 content management systems, which confirms the saturation of the CMS market. Each system is unique and individual, and, therefore, has both pros and cons. Systems range from the simplest to the most fully functional, and the more features a system provides, the more popular it becomes. Popular CMS have a modular system, i.e. allow you to expand the functionality of a web resource through modules. Unfortunately, these systems require a certain level of knowledge. I would like to note that no system can fully satisfy the needs of the user, due to the fact that it consists of a certain set of functionality, and only some systems can guarantee a high degree of security of a web resource.

Classification cms

There are a large number of CMS classifications, here are some of them. Based on the type of development, the following types of CMS are distinguished:

Modular CMS are aimed at developing a wide range of web projects. Initially, the site is created on the basic configuration of the “engine”. Subsequently, you can purchase and connect any number of additional modules necessary to expand the capabilities of site content management. Over time, customers end up with an “engine” created specifically for their project. This is the main advantage of modular systems. Another advantage is the gradual payment of the CMS - in order to purchase a new function, you just need to buy the necessary module.

Specialized CMS are full-fledged CMS that are focused on a specific type of web project. These systems cover the entire subject area.

Custom CMS – meet all the requirements and wishes of the customer. This is the most convenient option for almost any website. However, such CMSs are quite expensive compared to other CMSs, and it also takes a lot of time to create such a system.

All CMS can be divided into three groups: simple systems, complex systems, electronic document management systems.

Simple CMS involve adding new information, changing or deleting existing information from the site.

Complex CMS, in addition, perform the functions of administering a web project (changing the structure of the site, differentiating access rights).

CMS electronic document management - help optimize business processes in an enterprise. Very often, electronic document management systems are combined with the company’s general information system.

Based on the type of content, the following types of CMS are distinguished: portals, blogs, online stores, catalogs, etc.

Tables 3 and 4 below discuss brief characteristics of popular free and commercial content management systems.

Table 3 - Popular free content management systems

Popular free content management systems

CMS name


Official site

The most common free content management system. This system is simple, reliable and functional.,

A free, modern content management system focused on ease of use and beauty. The system is aimed at creating and managing blogs, is quite easy to install, and allows you to add a large number of additional modules.

CMS name

Continuation of Table 3 – Popular free management systems


Official site

A huge and complex content management system, as well as an environment for creating a web application.

Includes a large set of standard modules and also allows you to add additional modules.

A free content management system designed for creating, editing and managing website content. Contains a minimum set of standard functions.

A ready-made system for Internet portals allows you to maintain a website with various services without spending a lot of time on programming.

The corporate content management system has become widespread in the West.

Meets high safety standards.

Used on the websites of payment systems, universities, and government organizations.

A simple content management system, it is a script written in the PHP programming language, which is suitable for creating a news site or blog. The system facilitates the creation, editing and management of content.

A simple control system that allows you to create web pages and their design. It can be expanded with additional modules and is suitable for creating both simple websites and portals.

A simple and easily extensible content management system. Can be used by sites of any type.

Table 4 - Popular commercial content management systems

Popular commercial content management systems

CMS name


Official site


A popular modular content management system for creating websites and managing content. The system includes 23 modules that provide extensive functionality and security for the site. The system supports cloud storage, integrates with 1C products, and also includes technology for developing web applications for mobile devices.

A system for developing websites of any level of complexity (from business card websites to information portals). The system is easy to install and has the ability to connect additional modules.

A flexible and cost-effective content management system, convenient for the end user, that is, it does not require programming skills. The wide functionality of the system allows you to create a website of any complexity.

DataLife Engine

Designed for creating static web pages and news portals.

The system has the ability to create websites of various purposes and complexity.

The system does not provide for knowledge of programming languages, i.e. available to ordinary users. Allows you to create custom modules.

A content management system allows you to create websites of any complexity. It is not demanding on resources and includes a web security module.

CMS name


Official site

Continuation of Table 4 – Popular commercial control systems

A modern content management system with a Windows-oriented interface.

It contains only the necessary modules; additional modules can be easily connected yourself, thereby saving money. Provides training videos on working with the system.

A content management system allows you to publish and edit information on the site yourself. Does not require special programming skills.

The CMS has an intuitive interface, a system for promoting the site in search engines and a large set of modules.

A content management system is designed to quickly and easily create an online store. Supports turnover and customer base functions.

Thus, today the market for web technologies and content management tools is represented by a large number of different systems with which you can quickly, easily and effectively develop a website.

In the video we will review the best CMS engines for 2017. These content management systems are in the TOP 5 around the world; they are used to develop a huge number of sites from business cards to huge portals and services.

We will conduct comparative characteristics of their functionality, determine the strengths and weaknesses of each engine and summarize their overall rating.

A CMS review video will help a novice programmer or customer decide which system is ideal for him, and it will also be useful to understand their differences. After all, the success of the future site depends on the right choice of CMS, and the correctly selected engine functionality will ensure convenient and simple development of the resource.

From the contents of the article, you will be able to objectively select a suitable content management system, both for a developer who plans to connect his future career with programming, and for a customer who wants to optimally choose a platform for his business processes. Well, if you already have a website on one of the CMS, then you will find out whether your choice was correct, and so, let’s go...

In order to choose for ourselves the engine that will optimally solve our problems, first of all we will sort by popularity. Let's look at three popular services that provide such statistics and select five top CMS systems for further comparison.

1 - CMS Magazine Service

1 service CMS Magazine resource offers a complete list of popular CMS in Russia. They can be sorted by TCI, total TCI, but we are more interested in the number of works completed on a particular CMS.

The service collects statistics based on data from the Web development market of the CMS Magazine service; in principle, there is no point in considering it since this resource was examined in more detail before.

2 service Ruward:Track

Let's move on to the next popular service Ruward:Track, 12 years of experience and more than 600 projects. This major rating of control systems is recognized as reliable by the majority of developers.

It collects analytics not only on CMS systems, but also has a rating of other indicators. The rating results are presented for June 2015, of course they are already a bit old, but I will leave links under the videos of these services, perhaps you will watch and these indicators will be different, but now we are focusing on them.

There are also statistics on popular and free CMS systems, and this is correct, since a large share of popularity is still played by its accessibility to the end consumer.

Of the free CMSs, the leaders are WordPress and Joomla, which have broken away from most engines, while the development trend of WordPress is obvious, but if we take the Russian Runet, Bitrix breaks out into the first positions.

Let's use SEO-AUDITOR - this is the largest data collector using installed counters on sites such as Yandex.Metrica, LiveInternet, [email protected], Hotlog and a number of other services.

We go down to the statistics of CMS systems, here we see a report for January 2016. which is fresher in relation to Track. Let's select five top CMS.

In principle, the statistics are similar, WordPress is the leader almost everywhere, and this is not surprising given its popularity not only in the Russian RuNet, but also abroad. Then comes 1C-Bitrix, Joomla, Drupal and ends the list with MODx of the top five CMS.

In 2015, MODx was still the market leader, but in 2016 Drupal overtook it.

To summarize, we have identified two main leaders - WordPress and 1C-Bitrix, as well as the other three - Joomla, Drupal and MODx, but how easy are these platforms to use, satisfy basic consumer requirements, and most importantly are they safe, read on...

Engine characteristics

MODx Content Management System

This system has two versions, Evolution and Revolution, a more modern one, it serves as a good base for creating different types of store sites, portals, corporate sites, and blogs. This content management system is strongly tied to layout. In the Revolution version, the developer can emphasize the object-oriented approach.

The MODx system is free and quite flexible because you can implement a large number of modules into it.

The CMS itself is developing in a decentralized manner. Of course, there is a command center, kernel programmers and all that, but the main thing in any CMS is extensions, and here they are written by users.

MODx does not sell its addons through the official website or repository. All extensions are free, and on the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, there is no normal support, documentation, and no one guarantees the quality of the extensions.

As a result, we have a powerful, popular system in which few people write add-ons professionally, do not guarantee their support, and updates are not supported by the developers. In general, if you decide to install solutions, it is at your own peril and risk.

The security of ModX Revolution is much better than compared to the same joomla. When installing it, we can use the Advanced package to change the entire folder structure, even access to the admin panel; as a result, it is much more difficult for a potential hacker to determine what kind of CMS it is. It also has many security settings, which helps protect it from hacking.

And yet it is complex in its administration; placing an image gallery on a page, displaying a menu using Wayfinder, or creating a “category blog” using getResources is not so easy to do. In order to understand how to create templates using chunks, or call snippets, the average user will need a lot of time and effort.

It is not demanding on service resources, unlike Bitrix or Joomla, and this is its absolute advantage.

Content management system Drupal

Drupal- is a powerful open source CMS system. It makes developing complex websites much easier than writing them from scratch. The engine is very flexible and scalable.

There are so many settings in the system itself that you can get confused. Developers have a great opportunity to create different types of content and display a variety of fields from numeric parameters to video. Easily move blocks of content and the ability to create page templates, change tabs, and all this with an easy click of the mouse.

Many modules have been written for Drupal; you can create various types of projects from blogs and personal pages to social networks and corporate sites, huge portals.

A well-thought-out and flexible architecture in the engine makes it possible to expand existing functionality and integrate with third-party services.

Drupal is several times more complex than Joomla and MODx; for inexperienced developers it can be a difficult and complex system to understand. The engine is aimed at professional developers, for this reason there are few bugs in it.

Support from developers is carried out, as in MODx, the engine is developed in a decentralized manner. There is also a command center for programmers and all that, but extensions are written separately.

The main advantage of Drupal is that it is free. Therefore, you don’t have to rack your brains over choosing an assembly that suits your financial capabilities. You can always scale your project to suit your business needs.

The CMS itself requires a lot of resources, but what we mean by the word A LOT, if earlier the hardware on which Drupat was installed was considered high and expensive, now it is almost the minimum configuration of a Web service and today is the standard of most hosting services.

Joomla content management system

Platform Joomla is universal. Using it, you can create both a small forum and a huge store. During the installation of the engine, all functionality is installed without any bells and whistles, which is very convenient for creating small websites.

For this content management system, many ready-made extensions have been implemented, most of which are distributed free of charge, but there are also paid extensions. The variety of templates, modules and add-ons is an absolute plus that every novice developer will appreciate.

There is no technical support service for the developers of the platform itself; the CMS is developed by the user community.

Many people claim that joomla has security problems. I won’t deny it, but there is also the fact that users sometimes endanger their projects by installing dubious extensions on the site, which are not clear who wrote them and where they were taken from. This point needs to be taken into account. On the other hand, the engine developers could have envisaged how it was done in 1C-Bitrix. The solution is published on an official source, and it would be checked by the platform developers.

A simple site administration panel and many useful functionality can be implemented with two mouse clicks - this is definitely a plus. With an integrated approach, this engine is easier to master than Drupal and MODx, but still requires preliminary study, like any CMS in principle.

The main PLUS is that it is free, does not contain closed components and is distributed as open source. The only limitation is that you cannot change the joomla copyright and change the distribution license. However, you can simply hide this “Powered by Joomla” inscription.

Well, still, one cannot note a minus in terms of its “gluttony” in relation to northern resources (server load and RAM consumption). But if you approach the settings wisely, you can close this gap.

The popularity of Joomla is due to its many advantages, which in turn are confirmed by thousands of users. The system allows you to implement any projects and does not require highly specialized professional knowledge.

Content management system 1C-Bitrix

1C-Bitrix– suitable for almost any project; it can be used to implement both a one-page website and a large Internet portal.

The product architecture implements the MVC principle, separating logic from presentation. The structure is managed through information blocks, they are comparable to a database, each information block is a kind of box that we can customize exactly for the information we want to store in it. The entire visual part is located separately, which gives flexibility in managing the site design.

There are additional extensions, both free and paid. All extensions are located in the Marketplace store. By purchasing a solution, we receive developer support and feedback.

Bitrix technical support quickly solves problems, there is documentation and training material on managing the engine for both the user and the developer. Bitrix has its own community of developers, forums, blogs, where they will help solve certain problems.

A high degree of protection for the platform itself is ensured by a built-in proactive protection module; it includes two-step authorization, session protection, IP restrictions, and many additional features that will prevent the site from being hacked just like that.

Sections and pages of the site have a clear structure, implemented on the principle of folders and files, just like on a computer. Thanks to Hermitage technology, it is possible to edit pages and change site settings directly through the visual part of the site, without going into the administrative section, which greatly simplifies its administration.

Probably the most important disadvantage of this CMS is its cost, which is quite not a cheap pleasure; each edition has its own price, but the functionality is correspondingly wider. It is advisable to renew the license annually in order to receive current updates and more features.

The engine itself is resource-intensive, requires certain server settings, and it all depends on how large and visited your project will be, since compared to other engines when running similar projects, the server must be order of magnitude more powerful.

WordPress Content Management System

WordPress– this CMS was designed for creating blogs. Later, the content management system became easy to update and maintain. The system is very convenient to use from the point of view of connecting the backend and frontend, however, we do not recommend using WordPress to create online stores, because this is not the intended use of this system.

Modular programming helps to implement different site page designs, both for categories and individual posts. If you compare it with other competitors, Joomla is less flexible, and Drupal requires more in-depth programming knowledge. The flexibility of WordPress is a definite plus.

Due to the popularity of WordPress, it has formed a fairly large community and, as a result, a huge number of free and paid plugins have been developed, and there are many themes to expand the out-of-the-box functionality. Which is an indisputable advantage for a person starting to work with this engine.

In case of any difficulties or gaps in its development, there is a huge amount of materials, blogs, forums on the Internet where they will quickly help you, but the minus is that this CMS does not have a developer support service, and it’s understandable why, because it is free and this is its most important advantage among paid engines.

To introduce its popularity, WordPress is the target of constant attacks, both by hackers and spammers. They can not only clog the comments, but also infect the site with viruses. At the moment, this problem has been significantly solved, but security sometimes still suffers.

A clear and convenient interface, for the end user who is developing a website on this platform it is easier to understand the admin panel than on the same drupal or joomla. It is enough to know the main points of system management and there will be no problems with publishing posts, this is an obvious plus. According to analysts, this is the secret to the popularity of this CMS.

WordPress is completely free and open source. We can modify the engine, make our own changes to its structure, and this will not violate its license.

This engine is not demanding on the server and its technical characteristics. For trouble-free, stable operation, any server that has MySQL and support for several PHP modules is suitable, and any modern hosting will handle it without any problems, even free ones. Let's give it a plus, but don't forget that installing a large number of plugins will cause a load on the server, as a result of which the provider can simply turn off hosting for your site.

I would like to add that a competent approach and subject-based training are important in any business. It won’t work just to use this or that engine without mastering the basics. Any project is a kind of huge work, and here I talked about just one of the stages. And it is far from the most important. What is more important is the ability to use this tool correctly.

Let's sum it up

Remember that there are no ideal web development systems; the main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the trend of their development, and from this, therefore, the system will be improved both for developers and strive to make the life of the customer themselves easier.

And we can end here. The remaining engines that are not included in the top 5 are less popular or significantly limited in functionality. I see no point in talking about them. Of course, my opinion may be overly subjective, so you should choose an engine based on your preferences and practical experience. I wish you not to make a mistake in this!

In the comments, write what CMS you have and whether it completely satisfies you. If you liked the video, share it on social networks, give it a thumbs up, Denis was with you, see you soon.

CMS(or Content Management System) - This " website content management system" or simply " content management system". Also CMS called " engine" site.

CMS is a set of scripts that allow you to develop and maintain dynamic information sites. Different CMS allow you to design sites of varying complexity, up to online stores and information portals.

There are two main types CMS:

  1. Working and located on the Internet
  2. Installed on your computer and connected to the site automatically or through a file update interface.

Goals and objectives CMS.

The very first purpose of any CMS is filling, editing and managing information. Simply put, this is a system that gives you the opportunity to change and supplement sections, edit content site, change graphics and design site. Without CMS such tasks site management could not be solved without the intervention of expensive programmers.

CMS significantly reduces the cost of creating and maintaining web- sites, and also increases the speed of updating materials. Those. time that passes from the appearance of the material at the owner site before its publication on website, thanks to CMS, becomes minimal. At the same time, the process of preparing data for publication in CMS unusually simple.

A definite plus cms content management systems is to reduce the cost of administration and support site. This happens by reducing losses on the webmaster’s salary, as well as time spent searching for documents, eliminating duplication and errors, increasing the speed of communication with partners and clients... You do not need to hire a specialist to support and develop the project.

By using CMS You can reduce cost dependency site on the volume of information posted on it. cms content management system allow you to post any amount of information on the site.

Often pages site, based on cms, are not stored entirely, but are formed “on the fly” when accessing them, this allows you to increase the speed of loading pages, since the page template (design) is downloaded once and then opened from the user’s computer when each new page is requested.

IN content management system a caching mechanism is often implemented, which reduces the load on the equipment and increases operating speed and throughput site by storing the results of database queries and static materials.

Usually CMS system The development company offers to install site. This is a more correct option, because... system sharpens and adapts to your website from the very beginning. Also CMS systems offer additional functions and website later you can connect a forum, guest book, questions and answers, etc.

There are also free CMS, which provide quite large opportunities for site content management. Free CMS have a large number of users who help solve problems with site management using free content management system. TO free cms there are a large number of extensions and additions that the process allows you to make site management more convenient and functional. However, the downside free CMS is the lack of official technical support and the low speed of fixing critical errors in site content management system.