Unity player supports browser games. Enabling unity web player in Google Chrome. How to enable Unity the old way

Unity player supports browser games. Enabling unity web player in Google Chrome. How to enable Unity the old way

Contract Wars


Unity technologies are widely used in the development of browser games, games for social networks, and web applications. Around the world, about 600 million users interact with applications created based on these technologies. For example, Contract Wars alone is played by 5 million people every month.

The technology support on the browser side is provided by the Unity Web Player plugin, which uses the widely used NPAPI programming interface, first introduced in Netscape Navigator back in 1995. According to plans from the Chromium project, starting this month, users will no longer be able to run applications and games that use NPAPI.

We understand that most developers may not have had time to migrate their projects to the new platform. Therefore, during this transition period, Yandex.Browser will continue to support Unity Web Player. Games using this plugin will run in Yandex Browser without any additional settings or confirmation.


Unity technologies are widely used in the development of browser games, games for social networks, and web applications. Around the world, about 600 million users interact with applications created based on these technologies. For example, Contract Wars alone is played by 5 million people every month.

The technology support on the browser side is provided by the Unity Web Player plugin, which uses the widely used NPAPI programming interface, first introduced in Netscape Navigator back in 1995. According to plans from the Chromium project, starting this month, users will no longer be able to run applications and games that use NPAPI.

We understand that most developers may not have had time to migrate their projects to the new platform. Therefore, during this transition period, Yandex.Browser will continue to support Unity Web Player. Games using this plugin will run in Yandex Browser without any additional settings or confirmation.

Unity technologies are widely used in the development of browser games, games for social networks, and web applications. Around the world, about 600 million users interact with applications created based on these technologies. For example, Contract Wars alone is played by 5 million people every month.

The technology support on the browser side is provided by the Unity Web Player plugin, which uses the widely used NPAPI programming interface, first introduced in Netscape Navigator back in 1995. According to plans from the Chromium project, starting this month, users will no longer be able to run applications and games that use NPAPI.

We understand that most developers may not have had time to migrate their projects to the new platform. Therefore, during this transition period, Yandex.Browser will continue to support Unity Web Player. Games using this plugin will run in Yandex Browser without any additional settings or confirmation.

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Unity technologies are widely used in the development of browser games, games for social networks, and web applications. Around the world, about 600 million users interact with applications created based on these technologies. For example, Contract Wars alone is played by 5 million people every month.

The technology support on the browser side is provided by the Unity Web Player plugin, which uses the widely used NPAPI programming interface, first introduced in Netscape Navigator back in 1995. According to plans from the Chromium project, starting this month, users will no longer be able to run applications and games that use NPAPI.

We understand that most developers may not have had time to migrate their projects to the new platform. Therefore, during this transition period, Yandex.Browser will continue to support Unity Web Player. Games using this plugin will run in Yandex Browser without any additional settings or confirmation.

","html":"Many games from the social networks VKontakte and Facebook have recently become unavailable for users of browsers based on Chromium. Today we will tell you how Yandex.Browser solves this problem.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source":"

Unity technologies are widely used in the development of browser games, games for social networks, and web applications. Around the world, about 600 million users interact with applications created based on these technologies. For example, Contract Wars alone is played by 5 million people every month.

The technology support on the browser side is provided by the Unity Web Player plugin, which uses the widely used NPAPI programming interface, first introduced in Netscape Navigator back in 1995. According to plans from the Chromium project, starting this month, users will no longer be able to run applications and games that use NPAPI.

We understand that most developers may not have had time to migrate their projects to the new platform. Therefore, during this transition period, Yandex.Browser will continue to support Unity Web Player. Games using this plugin will run in Yandex Browser without any additional settings or confirmation.

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A few months ago, the Chromium developers came to a consensus and announced that they were no longer supporting NPAPI technology.

This system allowed the development of browser plugins such as:

  • old version of Flash Player;
  • Unity Web Player;

After the fact that happened, the company decided to work, support and install similar technology in the Yandex browser. Based on the NPAPI base, the developers managed to save all kinds of games and applications that are so interesting to millions of users.

However, in this article, important points about connecting the unit player will be discussed. Indeed, in the near future, users will have to say goodbye to NPAPI technology.

In fact, every user has at least once encountered a problem when it is impossible to connect an application or some game. This mainly applies to those who spend a huge amount of time on social networks, for example, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc.

It all happened because the Chromium company refused to continue its activities. Therefore, Yandex developers decided to master all the technical skills and solved this problem.

What is Unity technology?

First, you need to become more familiar with Unity technology, which is widely used in the development of browser games. This technology was created for various web applications and social networks. Approximately six hundred million people use applications that, in turn, are created using this technology.

The well-known game “Contract Wars” has won a fairly decent audience. According to statistical data. More than five million people use this application monthly.

Therefore, to support innovative technology, the developers created Unity Player. The NPAPI programming interface has been in operation since 1995 and occupies an important place. But after ceasing to introduce further activities and support for the technology, the company announced that users will no longer be able to install applications on computers and other devices that support NPAPI.

Despite the fact that Yandex browser supported NPAPI for several months, after a while the process would end completely. However, millions of users will not have to worry about this issue.

After all, the developers have created PPAPI technology, which perfectly performs its function. The newest version is feature-rich and offers greater opportunities to enjoy improved content.

It should be noted that if you have a Yandex browser, Unity Player starts automatically. This program will allow you to enjoy rich games in 3D format, where there are animated characters, stunning graphics and impressive physics. The free game engine is at the peak of its popularity. Experts suggest users switch to using this system.

It is important to emphasize that since 2015, the latest versions of Unity Player belong to the Yandex company. Agnitum is responsible for information security. Transferred employees use innovative technologies to protect the Yandex browser. When downloading a file, it is advisable to install an antivirus. In this way, you can protect your computer from unnecessary information.

Connecting Unity Player is very easy and simple. First you will need to update Adobe Flash Player. Next, you need to go to the “Enable NPAPI MAC”, “WINDOWS” section and click the Enable button.

The developers claim that if you use the Chrome browser, errors may occur when connecting the Adobe plugin. That is, you will not be able to install the system and subsequently download all kinds of applications.

Now, you know that the company has undergone a reorganization and, if necessary, you need to update the latest version. If you have previously used applications from another browser, at this stage you should switch to the Yandex browser. The updated version does not have any viruses and opens any games, as well as your favorite applications.

Before updating the version and installing it on your computer, read the software usage agreement. Specially developed step-by-step instructions will help resolve the problem. If you have any additional questions, you can contact the Yandex support service. Specialists will answer your questions within twenty-four hours.

In the language closest to the user, unity is a game engine. It can be used for both development and actual use of 2D and 3D games and applications. It can be used on Windows, Android, Linux, IOS, PS, Xbox and other operating systems.

Also, applications and games developed in Unity support DirectX and OpenGL. Some of the most famous games used by Unity are: Bad Piggies, 7 Days To Die, Pokemon Go, Need For Speed ​​World and others. Web Player allows you to enjoy high quality game graphics and physics even directly online in your browser.

Software installation

Often the reason for the problematic operation of the unity web player is its incorrect, incomplete, or incorrect installation, or the complete absence of the necessary software. Unity Web Player is free. You can download it from the official website on the official website.

After clicking on the “agree” button, in the Unity web player for Windows section, click on “download”, and after selecting the download location for the installation file, the download will begin. After downloading, you need to begin the installation process of this software. This process itself will take a matter of seconds.

Next, it is recommended to restart the computer, after which you should go to the browser and find and try again to launch the application or game that previously had problems launching and using. It is also recommended to clear cookies in your browser to increase the speed of information processing.

In the Google Chrome browser, you need to go to settings in the upper right corner, then click on additional settings, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and then you need to select content settings in the “personal data” section, there you should open the “all cookies and site data” tab... " and click on "delete all".

The second way is through the address bar

You can also restore unity games and applications in the Google Chrome browser by following the following steps:

  1. Paste the link into the address bar of your browser: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi
  2. On the page you will be taken to, find the “Enable NPAPI” item and select “Enable”.
  3. After this you will need to restart the browser.
  4. Next you will need to go to chrome://plugins/
  5. On the page that opens, find the “Unity Player” item, enable it and check the “always run” box.
  6. If the startup does not start, try restarting the computer.

Since the beginning of spring 2017, the developers of Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation have released a modern update to their browser, with fundamental differences in support for software interfaces. Starting from the fifty-second version of the browser, the interface is not supported N etscape P lugin A application P rogramming I interface. It was replaced by extended interfaces PPAPI. In this regard, it is no longer possible to use unity web player plugins in new versions. They are being replaced by a separate commercial product.

How to enable Unity Web Player in Firefox

If the user is still using a browser version up to 52, then he can use the special “Unity Player” plugin by activating it in the search engine settings in the engineering menu. There are no updates for it, but you can still try to work in it.

Since it is possible to enable Unity Web Player in Mozilla as a plugin only in older versions of the browser, for progressive users there is an alternative tool from the company Unity Technologies, which serves several million users who have registered on the company’s official website.

https://unity3d.com/ru - the developers’ website is available in Russian.

By going to the “Products” tab, users will have the opportunity to select specialized tools with which they can realize their artistic abilities or the makings of a developer of new software, applications or games. You can start with the free beginner offer, then splurge on the Plus or Pro packages to truly feel like a Creator!

Currently, Unity 2017 products can only be used through Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera browsers.

Almost all modern 3D browsers were created using “advanced” technology Unity 3D , thanks to which we can see the most beautiful game locations, very realistic-looking characters and cool special effects. But if we are talking about games that can be played in the browser, then a plugin may be required to display a beautiful 3D image. One of them - Unity Web Player.

Installing and configuring Unity Player on the OS

The Unity Player plugin does not have any requirements for computer parameters and will run even on an old one Windows XP. Installing the plugin on your computer is extremely simple. All you need for this is download from the official website installation file version no newer than 5.3 and start the installation process.

You will need to download a browser that supports Unyty 3D. After this, you will be able to play 3D games or watch videos. Please remember that the plugin only supports 3D graphics created on the platform Unity .

Unity Player does not require any configuration; it is automatically integrated into the browser, starts on its own and is updated if necessary. However, in some cases you may need to enable or disable the plugin, which is available in the browser settings. We will describe in detail the process of activating the Unity Player plugin using browsers as an example. Internet Explorer And Mozilla Firefox .

Browsers that support Unity Player

Outdated versions of browsers that support Unity

Below are the popular browsers and their latest outdated currently versions that still supported Unity Player. Updated versions of Internet browsers stopped supporting Unity completely .

Opera (version 36 and older)

Mozilla Firefox 32 bit (before 52 versions inclusive)

Google Chrome (before 44 versions)

Yandex browser (16 version and below)

Use outdated versions of browsers to play Unity games Not recommended. The main reason is that Internet browsers that are not updated to the latest versions may have a vulnerability. security systems.

Installing and activating Unity Player in Internet Explorer browser

The plugin is supported by Internet Explorer 11. The installation has not been tested on earlier versions.

First you need to double-click on the file UnityWebPlayer.exe, previously downloaded from official website, after which traditionally accept the license agreement, and then complete the installation of the plugin on your computer by clicking the “ Finish».

In Internet Explorer 11, the Unity Web Player plugin is enabled automatically, without requiring any additional settings, and even such options are not provided in the browser menu. All you need to do is launch some browser-based 3D application and enjoy the stunning graphics.

Installing and activating Unity Player in the Mozilla Firefox browser (up to version 52)

In the most popular Firefox browser, the Unity web player will work perfectly on versions up to 52. Starting from 53 versions In Mozilla Firefox, support for all NPAPI plugins has been removed.

Installation Guide (for Firefox version 50.0.2)

Once you've installed the plugin on your computer, open your web browser and click on the hash icon in the top right corner.

In the menu that opens, select the icon that says: "Extras", after which a browser page will open with all the extensions and services installed on it. In the menu on the left, select the option: "Plugins". Find it in the list of installed plugins Unity Player, hover your mouse over the menu on the right, and select the option: “Always on.” If for some reason you need to disable the Unity plugin, in the same menu you can select the option: “Never enable”, and the plugin will be completely deactivated.

Browsers that do not support Unity Player

Today, some browsers, unfortunately, have stopped supporting the Unity Web Player plugin. Unfortunately, such web browsers include one of the most popular browsers in the world Google Chrome . The plugin will not launch in Yandex.Browser . The bottom line is that almost all browsers created based on source code Chromium, several years ago they stopped supporting the company's products Unity Technologies. For most gamers who play and use browsers of this type, this poses a problem, since switching to Safari, Amigo or Internet Explorer is not always convenient, and is often impractical.

The company recently joined the list of web browsers that do not support Unity Web Player Opera . The latest versions of this browser no longer “see” the Unity Player installed on the system. However, for those who use Opera before 36th version, nothing to worry about. On early versions of this excellent Norwegian Internet browser, no problems with starting the player have yet been observed.

Many craftsmen from the Internet are trying to find a way to solve the problem with browsers that do not support Unity Player. Some of them even managed to launch the player on Google Chrome, having thoroughly delved into the service settings hidden from the average user. However, recent browser updates returned everything to its place. So, unfortunately, at the moment, there is no completely working way to enable the plugin on browsers without Unity support.

To summarize the above, Unity Web Player is the fastest and most practical way to run applications specifically created for the Unity game engine. But to fully use it, you will have to switch to Safari, IE or Amigo Mail.ru, or continue to use outdated versions of popular browsers, which is not recommended by their developers, because by doing so you are endangering the security of your computer.