What add-ons to install in firefox. Mega review of Firefox add-ons

What add-ons to install in firefox.  Mega review of Firefox add-ons
What add-ons to install in firefox. Mega review of Firefox add-ons

Mozilla Firefox is a popular browser that is distinguished by its convenience and speed. This collection contains useful add-ons and plugins that can be used to expand the range of functions of the program.


Popular ad blocker. Removes annoying ads - banners, video inserts and everything that interferes with the smooth viewing of content. In addition to direct advertising, Adblock prevents scripts from analyzing the data you enter on sites (it is usually recorded and then shown in ads).

Anonymizers Hola, anonymoX, Browsec VPN

The Hola application allows you to access a website that is blocked for one reason or another in a country or region.

The extension increases surfing speed and blocks ads

The anonymoX plugin changes the dynamic IP address of your computer, which can be useful for anonymous browsing on the Internet. Automatic and manual settings are available.

The extension allows you to change your IP address by connecting to a proxy server

Browsec VPN is an application for accessing blocked sites. The extended paid version of the product allows you to increase speed and select a country, and also provides a dedicated channel.

The extension encrypts traffic and helps you gain access to prohibited sites

All three extensions are effective and allow you to surf the Internet securely without leaving traces, but Browsec VPN connects to sites faster than others.

Easy Video Downloader

Easy Video Downloader downloads files from any site, unlike its analogue Savefrom

An application especially appreciated by fans of films, TV series and music. It is capable of downloading media files from a page where direct downloading is not provided.


One of the key conveniences of the Savefrom plugin is the ability to select video quality

Plugin for downloading media files (music and video). It is convenient because after installation, download buttons are built into the site interface. Corresponding links for downloading files appear on VKontakte, YouTube, Odnoklassniki.

The application is especially useful for those who want to download videos from Instagram, since the service itself does not have this function.

LastPass Password Manager

The generator built into the plugin generates random long passwords that prevent hacking

If you forget logins and passwords for websites, LastPass Password Manager will solve the problem. Data is securely encrypted and stored in the cloud. In fact, the only password you will have to remember is from LastPass itself.

The big plus of the plugin is its multi-platform functionality.. If you also use Firefox on a smartphone, you can synchronize the manager and log in to any site from your list.

Awesome Screenshot Plus

The plugin is easy to use and does not load the browser, works without freezing

Application for creating screenshots. Awesome Screenshot Plus allows you to not only take a screenshot of a specific area, but also the entire browser window, as well as individual elements on the page. The plugin has a built-in simple editor that allows you to outline important details in a photo or add text notes.


The ImTranslator plugin accesses the Google database, which makes the translation more accurate and understandable

While Chrome and Yandex Browser have a built-in translator, this function is not provided for Firefox users. The ImTranslator plugin can translate either an entire page from a foreign language or a selected piece of text.

Visual bookmarks

A Yandex plugin that allows you to make a panel with frequently used sites your home page. It has a lot of settings - you add the necessary bookmarks yourself, you can set a background from a huge gallery of high-quality images (live wallpapers are also available), and select the number of tabs displayed.

Popup Blocker Ultimate

Popup Blocker Ultimate plugin blocks any pop-ups

Some sites have scripts installed that launch popup windows with offers to buy something on the resource itself, about a paid subscription, etc. Some notifications pop up periodically, even if you have closed them several times. Popup Blocker Ultimate simply solves the problem - it blocks any notifications on the site.

Dark Reader

Dark background Dark Reader reduces eye fatigue when working on a PC for long periods of time and browsing the web at night

Plugin for changing the background on the site. You can set a dark base, adjusting the hue and saturation as you wish. Great for video sites because the eye is no longer drawn to contrasting images in the background.

Useful plugins for Firefox increase the program's capabilities and help configure and optimize the browser to suit the user's needs.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! It's time to provide you with a selection of add-ons for your own interpretation. The developers of Mazila went their own way and initially provided a minimum set of options in the functionality of this browser, and the remaining features should be added as various extensions depending on the needs of a particular user.

Thus, Firefox of all competitors has become the owner of the richest set of plugins. This circumstance alone can lure many users to his side. True, recently the brainchild of the mighty Google, the Chrome web browser has become a full-fledged competitor to Mozilla in this aspect. By the way, if you are a fan of his, you can read a very informative article describing the most popular ones.

How to download and install extensions for Firefox

First, let's look at where and how you can download plugins for Mazila. To do this, you need to visit a special page, where all add-ons are organized into categories to make searching easier:

To install the selected extension in the Mozilla browser, click on its name and go to the following web page, where we see concise information on this add-on (current version, author’s name with a link to his personal page, brief description):

Click the green “Add to Firefox” button, with this action we activate the download of the extension to the browser. The operation is simple and does not require any additional effort. After a few seconds, you will receive confirmation that the extension has been successfully installed in your Firefox.

At the same time, a new tab will open in the Mozilla Firefox browser with a page where you can view more detailed information on the downloaded plugin, including its current and previous versions, and receive information on the regularity of its updates.

Next, you can click on the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the browser window (in my opinion, this icon was borrowed from the Chrome developers) and select the “Add-ons” section from the drop-down menu:

As a result of these movements, we move to the corresponding tab, where you can perform various actions with installed plugins, including setting up, disabling, or even completely deleting:

The following are plugins for Firefox, which I divided into two categories: the first will be of interest to all users without exception, and the second is useful to people who use the browser for professional purposes, that is, webmasters, optimizers or developers.

Firefox plugins for all users

1. Video DownloadHelper is a very functional plugin for Firefox, which provides the ability to quickly and easily download media files from any video hosting site. After installation and activation, a rotating icon will appear in the upper right corner of the browser, after clicking on it a window will pop up, which will present all the most significant resources from where you can download the video:

Having selected the desired resource, for example, YouTube, click on the appropriate line and find yourself on the following web page, which is the property of the developer of this extension:

There you need to click on the big green “Visit to YouTube” button. As a result, you will be redirected to the main page of this video giant. After going to the page with a specific video you have chosen, you can download it by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu:

Here you can: download and convert a video file, perform a quick download (in the default folder), upload to the directory you need, etc. In my opinion, this is the best addition in its class at the moment.

2. WOT - an extension for Mazila, which provides protective functions when surfing the Internet in terms of identifying various GS sites and suspicious information resources, including those infected with viruses. The more users install this add-on to their browser, the larger the database we will have at our disposal, since everyone can make a note about the level of trustworthiness of a particular web resource:

This level is expressed by a certain color in the spectrum from red to green (the red circle is the highest degree of unreliability, the green circle is a white and fluffy resource). Moreover, you will be able to filter out unreliable sites directly on the search results page, where they will be marked with the appropriate icons:

3. FireGestures - this extension makes working on the Internet easier in many ways, speeding up, for example, operations with tabs using mouse movement. Read more about this add-on in the material about Google Chrome extensions, the link to which is given at the beginning of this article.

4. Tab Mix Plus - allows you to perform numerous operations with tabs opened in Mazil. The necessary settings can be adjusted by going to the “Extensions” tab and clicking on the corresponding button. For example, it is possible to configure the following of links, opening, closing tabs, merging and cloning them.

You can also define the hotkeys that are most convenient for you for each action. For some users, it is convenient to use the mouse in a special way when managing tabs, this is also implemented in this add-on.

5. Adblock Plus is a very convenient extension in our time when the Internet is full of advertising. But, as is known, radical methods directed in one direction or the other usually do not lead to a completely satisfactory result. Again, there is my favorite rule of the “golden mean”, which is taken into account in this Firefox add-on in the form of settings that allow you to block various kinds of annoying advertising, but display unobtrusive and very often useful ad blocks.

6. Personas Plus - an add-on that makes it possible to make the appearance of your browser more attractive and convenient to work with by choosing among many new, popular and favorite themes for Mozilla Firefox (about themes for all the most popular browsers).

7. Gmail Manager - this plugin makes working with your GMail email correspondence faster and easier. The tool will allow you to receive timely notifications about the arrival of new letters to all your accounts. To get started, click on the icon of this add-on in the upper right corner of the Mazil window and enter the necessary authorization data:

In the already familiar “Extensions” tab of the Firefox browser, you will find settings for this manager, the parameters of which you can use to your advantage in terms of ease of use.

8. ScrapBook - Firefox extension for capturing web pages, including their full content (elements such as images, styles, JavaScript, URLs). Allows you to save pages as an HTML file, create several databases from captured documents that can be edited.

This tool, like many other useful plugins, contains a large number of settings and is also very easy to use. After installing the plugin, right-click and in the context menu that appears you will see additional options belonging to ScrapBook:

9. Text Link - sometimes on web pages there are inactive links provided in text format for one reason or another. So, this add-on speeds up the opening of such URLs, saving you from additional unnecessary steps. After downloading and installing Text Link and after highlighting the link given in text format, additional options will appear in the context menu:

The main advantage, in my opinion, is that you can open a web page in a new tab without even selecting the link, but simply by placing the cursor on it and double-clicking with the left button in accordance with the default settings, which, of course, you can change .

10. - You can get an extremely clear idea about it by reading the article at the link provided. Let me just say that this extension makes it possible to go to the desired web pages in one click. In addition, this add-on generates a selection of the sites you most visit and changes the background in two clicks to your heart's content.

Firefox add-ons for webmasters and optimizers

1. is the most successful plugin, in my humble opinion, of all extensions of this class. It can well serve as a teaching aid for novice webmasters in the practical study of HTML and CSS, and is also an excellent assistant when editing website page elements:

It should be noted here that at the present stage, each of the most popular browsers (about which browser is better) has built-in tools of this kind. They can be activated as follows:

  • In the same Firefox, right-click on the open page and select “Inspect Element” from the context menu (an alternative way is to press the F12 key)
  • In Google Chrome - from the menu, click on the line “View element code” (F12)
  • In the latest versions of IE - “Check element” (F12)
  • In Opera - “Inspect element”

Despite all this diversity, Firebug still seems to me to be a better solution in every sense. But this is just my subjective opinion, so the choice is yours.

2. is a great addition, especially for those who are trying to improve their practical skills in website layout.

3. - if you follow this link, you will get a full understanding of the widest capabilities of this super tool, which provides very significant assistance in SEO website promotion, providing the entire range of the most important parameters in relation to the selected object:

For example, I use this plugin when analyzing potential donors when purchasing backlinks from exchanges, GoGetTop, WebArtex, MiraLinks. Let's continue and see what other useful extensions for Mozilla Firefox exist that are suitable for this section.

4. SeoQuake - this add-on for Firefox is similar to the previous one. However, it has a significant feature that can be extremely useful. Namely, it provides the opportunity to see all SEO indicators directly on the search results page, and for all resources at once, allowing you to immediately visually compare them:

5. - allows you to perform various operations with color shades, including capturing the color of certain elements directly from an open web page (to do this, select the first line from the drop-down menu):

The mouse cursor turns into a crosshair, which you move to the desired element of the page, as a result you get its color characteristics:

If you left-click on this element, its color code will be copied to the clipboard. In the settings you can enrich the necessary functionality.

6. SEO Status PageRank/Alexa Toolbar - displays several very important indicators, monitoring of which can help not only in assessing your own web resource, but also, for example, in analyzing competitive projects of your website:

I provided this add-on mainly because it contains not only Google's PageRank, but also the all-important Alexa Rank parameter, which is an indirect indicator of site traffic (the lower its value, the more successful the site is in this regard).

Of course, the Firefox extensions presented above represent only a small fraction of all possible add-ons, both general-purpose and specialized. I hope that in the comments you will express your point of view and add to this list by making reasonable suggestions on this topic. I also hope that you will not hesitate to click on the social network buttons located just below, if the material turned out to be at least a little useful for you.

Mozilla is a reliable browser with many options. However, like other browsers, its functionality is expanded through special add-ons. Various extensions for Firefox are published in the official store. They are available for download to all users on whose computer this program is installed.

Expanding the capabilities of the browser

Add-ons are small scripts that are built into Mozilla Firefox, expanding the scope of functions. In this article we will tell you what useful extensions for Firefox there are that are aimed at creating a comfortable environment for users. In addition, we will find out where to download them and how to solve the download problem.

Where to download and how to install add-ons?

The first question newbies ask is: how to install an extension in Firefox? Integration occurs either in the extension store or through official resources that host extension installation files for Mozilla Firefox. In the first case, the procedure is the same for all additions.

  • First you need to go to the store. Open it using the link: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/. You can also find a specific extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser in the browser’s “Add-ons” menu. In the “Extensions” tab, find the search bar in the upper right corner and enter the name of the utility there. The search for a Firefox add-on in the store also occurs through a line with a magnifying glass icon.
  • Click on the green "Add to Firefox" button.
  • The installer will download. Now let’s install: in the small window, click on “Install”.
  • Restart your browser. The next time you start the program, the program icon will appear in the add-ons panel. If the icons are present, it means that the Firefox add-ons were successfully installed.

Installation problems

Sometimes there are difficulties loading applications. They simply don't install. There are several reasons for this. We will identify them one by one and solve the problem at the same time.

1. The add-on and browser version turned out to be incompatible. As a rule, Mozilla Frefox extensions of the latest versions are published in the official store. What to do in this case? There are three possible solutions:

  • update the browser itself if the version is outdated;
  • try to look for versions of the plugin that are compatible with the version of Firefox that you have on your PC (a rather complicated method);
  • download another extension with similar functionality - fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives now.

2.The browser blocks the installation of the add-on because the site is not trusted. A yellow bar with a message appears. Here you just need to click on “Allow”. You can also simply disable extension checking in your browser so that a blocked add-on can be safely downloaded.

3.If the message: Load Error -228 appears, it means that the browser cache is disabled. To enable it, you must:

  • Go to Settings, and then to the “Advanced” section.
  • Go to the “Network” block.
  • Look at the cache partition. It must be at least 1 MB.
  • Close the about:preferences tab.

Error 228 may be caused by another program. For example, a firewall or anti-spywall. Temporarily disable this utility to check if this is the reason. If this is the problem, you will simply have to make a choice in favor of an application or program.

5.Configuration files in the browser may be corrupted. Hence the error. What should be done in this case? Delete these files. When you restart, the browser will restore them, but there will be no damage. To do this, open the profile folder.

Click on the menu button. We need Help - a round icon with a question mark. Select the Troubleshooting Information option from the context menu.

In the “Application Information” block, click on the “Open Folder” button.

Quit your browser.

Remove documents from the list of files:

  1. extensions.sqlite,
  2. extensions.ini,
  3. extensions.json.

Open your browser.

6.Other browser add-ons may not be compatible with the extension you are trying to install. Solution: set safe mode for the new add-on.

Where can you find them?

Where are downloadable Mozilla Firefox extensions stored? In the profile folder. To make it appear on the screen, do the following:

  1. Hold down Windows and R to launch the Run window.
  2. In the line we write the command: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\. The easiest way is to copy it.

Where are extensions located in the browser menu itself? You can open a tab with a list of them in a couple of clicks: open the “Add-ons” window through the icon with three lines. You will immediately be taken to the “Extensions” tab. This is where programs are managed. In this menu you can enable, disable or completely remove a specific extension. The “Settings” button will take you to a window with utility parameters.

Several popular add-ons

There are many programs, but only some of them are downloaded with enviable frequency. Let's find out what useful extensions for Firefox can be downloaded from the official store.

AdBlock and Adguard

Since every website is now full of advertising banners, users are beginning to wonder if it is possible to get rid of all these elements. With the help of such extensions you can. Adguard will also provide additional protection against phishing sites. These applications are completely free.

If you are unable to access a website because it is blocked by your provider or administrator, you can download friGate and bypass the blocked access.

The connection is made through a proxy server. The connection will change to normal when you access allowed resources.


This program also allows you to open prohibited sites. It's free and shareware. The paid version has more countries through which you can connect. The transfer speed in the free version is also lower. However, it is sufficient in most cases.

This is one of the best add-ons to ensure anonymity on the Internet. You will gain access to prohibited resources and additionally protect yourself from Internet bugs. Information will no longer be collected about you, including your name, age, gender, browser history and more.

The add-on is capable of hiding information from resources about which browser you are currently using to surf. Next, the information is replaced - data is provided about the operation of an alternative browser (the one you install in the extension).

This is useful when a site works correctly when using, for example, only the Internet Explorer browser, but you won’t have it if you have Linux.

The downside of the add-on is that its interface is not in Russian, but in English.


The application helps download audio and video content from the most popular sites: YouTube, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc. From time to time, other sites are added to the functionality. Thus, development and updating are underway.


If you no longer want to perform the same type of actions in the Mazil browser, write your script using this add-on. It has a simple interface that even a beginner can understand. Then you can simply run the script and the computer will do everything for you.

Elements from Yandex are popular, in particular, visual bookmarks. They can be customized (number of cells, background, search bar). Thus, they provide maximum performance and convenience.

The supplement competes with . There are also many settings here. You can set the most appropriate personalization options. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your settings - they will be stored in the cloud.

Here you can disable plugins such as Java, JavaScript and Adobe Flash Player, thereby closing the two most important Firefox vulnerabilities. If necessary, you can create your own white list of resources for which the program will not work.

LastPass Password Manager

This small program stores passwords for various accounts. Since it is highly undesirable to put the same logins and passwords on different accounts, a huge number of them accumulate in your head. It is impossible to remember everything. LastPass Password Manager comes to the rescue.

You will only have to remember the password for this service. Account passwords are stored in a safe place – on the server’s servers. They will be encrypted. At any time, they can be automatically substituted when authorizing on some resource.

Add-ons for Firefox certainly expand the functionality of the browser. They are downloaded mainly from the extension store. There you will find ad blockers, protectors, home page personalization tools, and much more.

Mozilla Firefox is a friendly browser that supports add-ons in the form of applications and plugins for individual customization for each user. Below you will find only a small part of the most frequently used applications for maximum convenience on the Internet.

Firebug for Mazila - Analysis of website program code in two clicks

When creating a website, editing a template or the program code of individual pages, webmasters are often faced with the fact that the result of the work does not meet expectations.

Online radio for Mazila

Today, radio remains no less popular than in the days of the old transistors, but the way we listen to it has changed markedly. In the age of the Internet, almost all media resources have smoothly moved to the World Wide Web and a logical question arises - how can you listen to radio on the Internet, for example, through the popular Mozilla Firefox browser?

Adobe Flash Player

Probably, each of us at least once encountered a problem when friends sent a link to watch an interesting video, but for some reason it does not want to open under any circumstances.

VKopt (VKontakte Optimizer)

VKopt (stands for VKontakte Optimizer) is a very convenient free add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser that allows you to use the functionality of the social network using many useful services. In a word, the script greatly simplifies life on VKontakte.

Installing Yandex bar on Mozilla Firefox

Yandex Bar is a kind of assistant for quickly searching for information on the Internet, taking into account the geopolitical position and certain preferences of specific users. Just like many useful plugins, for example, Personal Plus, Yandex Bar is very easy to install.

IE Tab V2 – support for the Internet Explorer engine.

Many users, at least once, have had to deal with problems on the Internet with the correct display of some web resources or with the limited functionality of the pages they visit. This incorrect operation is associated with the use of Internet Explorer browser websites as a basis.

FireFTP: cross-platform mediator

The additional FireFTP application is used for the correct and secure operation of the Mazilla Firfox browser in the environment of FTP-SFTP networks.

Lightbeam for Firefox - your information about all connections on the network

Lightbeam plugin is an application for the famous Mozilla Firefox browser. Designed to track visible network collaboration between any web resources.

High-quality plugin from Chrisa Pedericka for browser programming

The Web Developer plugin was released in 2007 by London-based developer Chris Padarick. This plugin has significantly expanded the work capabilities of web programmers in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox. The add-on is also compatible with any Operating System that uses Mozilla Firefox, that is, in all versions of the OS - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Flagfox – all the necessary information about websites

First of all, the Flagfox add-on for the Mazila browser is designed for informational and educational purposes. The plugin has functionality that allows you to track all the accurate information about any correctly working Internet site.

Developer. Having visited this page, you can, of course, pay attention to the section “ the most popular add-ons for Mozilla, but we dare to warn you - firstly, the description of all add-ons is in English (so the information may not be entirely clear), and secondly, not everything that is popular is really needed. So, let's get to the point.

1.Speed ​​Dial

Speed ​​Dial will greatly simplify working with the browser at the start. This component will be immediately recognized by those who cheated on Opera with the “Fire Fox”. The main task of Speed ​​Dial is to remember sites specified by the user and display them as thumbnails on the start page - the so-called “quick access tabs”. Thus, you can open your most favorite and visited sites at any time with just one click. You can configure these tabs using the Speed ​​Dial button, which will appear on the toolbar at the top of the window. A new site can be added using the command: “Install in Speed ​​Dial”.

2. Adblock Plus

The purpose of the add-on is to block annoying advertising in the form of pop-up windows like “You are the 999th visitor, click and get a prize” and messages like “Violetta wants to add you as a friend.” All these “appendix nuisances” on websites using Java and Flash technologies can be easily recognized and limited by Adblock Plus. Its easy operation and super-efficiency have made it one of the most popular plugins and is included in the list of “Best Add-ons for Mozilla Firefox”.


ProxMate is a very useful extension for Firefox users who are interested in foreign TV series, music videos, TV shows, and sports broadcasts. Despite the fact that the Internet without borders has been promoted recently, you could often observe a situation where, for example, a video on YouTube “Not available in your region.” To avoid such unpleasant situations, we recommend downloading and installing this add-on. It works like a proxy server and can replace your IP address and hide your true location. At the same time, the work of the plugin will not affect the speed of the Internet connection.


Without this add-on, active Internet surfers will have a hard time. If you don’t want to constantly feel like bait for distributors of advertising, malware and broken links, be sure to install Interсlue. The development will inform you about unreliable sites even before you visit them. When you hover over a link, you will see an information box with information about potential phishing, spyware, erroneous links, etc.

5. Update Scanner

If you constantly visit the same web resources and follow all the updates, be sure to get such a thing as Update Scanner. This plugin will monitor any changes occurring on user-specified pages completely free of charge. The information will be displayed in a pop-up window in the lower right corner. In this case, the changes will be highlighted in yellow, so you don’t have to look for what’s new on the site.

6. URL Fixer plus RU and UA

There is no point in talking too much about this plugin. All it does is correct common typing errors in the address bar. But this is quite enough to download it. After all, it often happens that you press the next key or type in the wrong language. URL Fixer not only corrects the address in which you missed the next letter, but also translates URLs that were accidentally typed in the Russian or Ukrainian layout. For example, typing in the line: “пшшпдуусьгф”, you will get what you really wanted: google.com.ua.

7. LastPass Password Manager

Are you afraid of forgetting your email or social network password? With the LastPass Password Manager add-on, you'll get rid of this phobia in no time! The plugin remembers all authorization codes and will help you manage all the passwords you use while surfing the Internet. LastPass Password Manager will automatically fill out all forms, and it also supports importing saved data from other password managers such as PasswordSafe, Roboform, Keepass.

8.Video DownloadHelper

This extension will not only simplify the process of downloading files, but will also be able to “rip out” videos from popular hosting sites Youtube and Rutube. Yes, yes, you can save clips and films from YouTube with just a couple of clicks. Another hidden feature of Video DownloadHelper is video conversion. But to activate it, the developers offer to fork out a little.

9.IE Tab

Despite the rapid development of web technologies and the adaptation of Internet resources to the maximum number of users, there are still sites or their individual components that can only be displayed by the Internet Explorer browser. So, in order not to launch two web browsers at the same time, you can solve the problem by installing the IE Tab plugin. After this, there will be no difficulties opening pages designed for Internet Explorer.